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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 臺灣溫泉聚落治理模式之研究─泰安與烏來溫泉之個案比較
作者 廖振助
出版日期 2004
頁碼或冊數 173
中文摘要 本研究內容首先透過溫泉文獻與治理相關理論的回顧,建構出中心命題;第二部份是經由文獻回顧與實地訪談方式,了解泰安與烏來於日治、威權與地方民主化三個不同時期之中地方行動者的互動關係,並分別加以探討與比較;第三部份則分析造成不同治理模式的關鍵要素,提供未來規劃與治理溫泉聚落之參考,以助溫泉聚落整體且永續的發展.
英文摘要 We review literatures of hot spring and the governance theory to construct the central proposition in the content of this research at first. Secondly , we understand interaction of local actors at Tai-An and Wu-Lai during three different periods (the period of the Japanese Colony, the period of the Authoritarian Regime and the period of Local Democracy) by way of reviewing literature and the in-depth interviews and we also discuss and compare interaction. Thirdly , we analyzes the critical factor that causes the different governance mode and then we can help to plan and govern hot spring villages and we also can have sustainable development at hot spring villages in the future.
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出版者 國立台北大學
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 苗栗縣;泰安鄉;治理;溫泉聚落;臺北縣;烏來鄉