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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 經濟轉型中三重市成衣業發展與空間分布
主題 政治社會經濟環境
作者 姚佳君
出版日期 1999
中文摘要 紡織成衣業造就台灣經濟的成長,更奠定台灣產業之發展基礎;而歷經五十多年的變革與轉型,紡織成衣業的每一個階段,更為台灣經濟發展的背景,立下最完整的說明.從早期民生工業的供應,成就了紡織成衣業發展的契機,加上政府政策的支持與推動下,促使紡織成衣業朝向高技術、高附加價值的發展跨進,進而成為上中下游體系結構成熟的產業;然而隨著全球環境的牽動,一向是台灣傲於全球的紡織成衣業,則面臨另一波的危機,不但需要掙脫勞動成本的內外威脅與全球區域經濟聯盟的挑戰,更要即刻面對在服飾設計能力的困境;而國內紡織成衣業者於是在危機環境中走向轉型.
英文摘要 Textile Industry was the leading sector in Taiwan, and had established the basis for economic development; In the past 50 years, through the growing stage of Textile Industry, the development characteristics of Taiwan's Economic background have been unveiled. In the early period of need the people's livelihood products, the spinning and weaving industries structure matured as well as the assistance of government economic policies, provided the chance for Taiwan's Textile Industry production to be more high-tech and high-valued. However, the global situation changing brings Taiwan's Textile Industry to a new crisis with the threat of labor cost, the difficulty to promote the clothing-design, and the challenge from the global region-economic union. From now on, Taiwan's Textile Industry needs to reform.
出版者 台北大學都市計劃研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北縣;三重市;成衣業;紡織業;產業網絡;外包制;非正式部門