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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 論口述歷史在鄉土教育之應用:以三重市碧華布街為例
主題 教育
作者 柯佳蓉
出版日期 2005
頁碼或冊數 225
中文摘要 本研究共分為六章,內容主要是以口述歷史為研究方法,建立三重市碧華布街歷史,進而發展成具體可行之鄉土教學策略.本研究之結果如下:一、透過口述歷史方法建立碧華布街歷史,內容包含歷史沿革、肇始原因、發展歷程、生活態度、未來展望、周圍環境簡介與碧華之「最」.二、碧華布街歷史在鄉土教育上的應用策略為(一)建立碧華布街鄉土教學資源調查手冊;(二)編纂成為鄉土教學教材,含教學設計、習作、教師手冊.三、歸結出口述歷史在本研究之價值:(一)補充文獻資料的不足(二)建立碧華布街歷史(三)喚醒居民社區營造意識(四)整理出社區鄉土教學資源(五)彰顯應用史學功能.四、發現口述歷史之在本研究限制包含:(一)背景資料蒐集困難(二)對象選定難以抉擇(三)憶問題造成誤差(四)資料彙整轉錄不易(五)保密問題模糊不清.
英文摘要 For the purpose of developing specifically teaching strategy in homeland education Oral History technique was taken to record and to rebuild the development of Bihua Cloth Street in Sanchung City. This research is divided into six chapters. The results are as follows:Using Oral History skill to record the history of Bihua Cloth Street, including the historical evolution, the initiated reason, the developed course, the living attitude, the future vision, the environmental introduction and the best parts of “Bihar.” And to apply teaching strategy of Bihua Cloth Street in homeland education: (1)Compose the research resource manual of Bihua Cloth Street.(2)Create teaching material, designs, exercises, and the teacher handbook. To sum up, Oral History’s values are: Patch the insufficiency of documents; Establish the history of Bihua Cloth Street; Awaken the inhabitants to the sense of community development; Organize the teaching materials in homeland education; Reveal the function of the history application. And the limitation of Oral History are found in five ways:Difficulty of background material collection; Difficulty of choosing inspected objects; Difficulty of categorizing the collected documents; Inaccuracy of the memories of the inspected objects; Indefinite definition of the secret reservation.
出版者 臺北市立師範學院社會科教育研究所
出版地 臺北市