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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 蘆洲遶境活動對街道空間影響之研究
作者 王永偉
出版日期 2003
頁碼或冊數 183
中文摘要 蘆洲,一個積極跟隨臺北大都會腳步的鄉鎮,早期透過先民移入的原鄉生活方式與血緣關係,在各庄頭形構出當地的主神信仰,並以廟宇做為居民精神寄託之所在,繼而衍生出獨特的神將會以及宗廟組織;當地信仰中心湧蓮寺與各庄頭之角頭廟,在每年蘆洲大拜拜時,經由廟會遶境活動的方式貞定了屬於在地的〝神聖空間〞,藉此聯繫聚落居民間的情感,亦成為在地地方性之特質;然而近年來在都市規劃的引導下,外來人口大量湧入,交通動線錯綜複雜,使得原本地方傳 統遶境活動與都市街道空間規劃產生衝突。因此本研究擬以整理相關研究文獻,歸納出遶境活動與街道空間兩者之空間性及關連性,再藉由蒐集地方文史資料,輔以實地觀察和深入訪談的方式,從地方遶境活動形構出蘆洲神聖空間領域,並找尋其所隱含之地方特質及內涵.
英文摘要 The religious parade is a ritual of praying for local safety and peace through deity worship by patrolling the streets. It connects the power of regional communities, and also portrays many traditional folk cultures. These enrich the folk belief culture in Taiwan. Luchou, a town with regional characteristics , has its own “dynamic sacred space” defined by the annual religious parade. It also derives regional cultures such as traditional marching bands. However, lots of outside immigrants have poured into this area because of the city plan. It causes conflicts between the religious parade and the city planning. This research will assemble relevant references and collect local historical information. By conducting observations and interviews in depth, the research will recommend a “sacred space” in Luchou and its regional characteristics through the local religious parade.
出版者 國立臺北大學地政學系
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北縣;蘆洲市;街道;空間;遶境;宗教