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系統識別碼 094NTUS5222025
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 1945年以後的臺北酒廠 : 華山文化園區的形成與變遷
作者 黃筠舒
出版日期 2006
頁碼或冊數 1册
中文摘要 戰後,台北酒廠歷經生產的輝煌時期,直至因政府政策、都市發展、社會變遷、環保考量等種種因素最後導致遷廠,遷廠後因都市計畫的不明,使得公民力量的進入,讓閒置中的台北酒廠轉化成為在臺灣為一重要的藝文空間,並成為現今的中央藝文公園內的華山文化園區,扮演臺北市東西軸帶串連的重要節點。本研究主要討論酒廠生產閒置時期、再利用時期至今,台北酒廠沒落以及華山文化園區形成的過程,並且分為歷史、空間、都市發展三個主軸為探討方向。 主要以文獻蒐集、訪談、田野調查的方式,歸納分析生產變遷過程,並解析遷廠與閒置原因,再者探討再利用時期不同營運單位的營運模式對於整體發展的影響。經由歷史的分析後,找尋空間發展脈絡,酒廠時期因產業建築以機能為首要考量,所以主要探討生產硬體空間改變的原因,以及再利用時期因管理單位僅有空間使用權的情況下,營運方向對於空間使用的影響與變遷。最後以整體都市環境分析華山文化園區在整體區域上所扮演的角色,與在都市計畫的變遷下,所導致的整體發展結果。另外並討論在整體形成與過程間,官方力量帶給華山文化園區的影響。
英文摘要 After the War World Ⅱ, the Taipei winery had a splendid time until it was moved due to government policy, urban development, sociological transformation, environmental protection etc. Because the urban planning was unclear, the citizen decided to make the Taipei winery an important artist gallery. Today it became a part of the Central Arts Park, where is an important node of western and eastern connection in Taipei. The topic is divided into three aspects, which considers to history, space, and urban planning in order to study the transition of the manufacture production to abundance and adaptation of Taipei winery. By looking at the past manufacture data, it analyzes various reasons for the relocation of the winery. It also investigates the development process from different management system. From historic analysis, it searches the context of spatial development. Because function is the main consideration in an influence of manufacture model of spatial organization. During adaptive process, administers only has the right of spatial usage. It then becomes crucial to discuss the operational direction in relationship to spatial usage. With the general urban development, it further investigates the parks distinctive character within the environmental transition. It will also analyze the governmental manipulation to the over all formation and process of the Hwa Shun Culture Park.