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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 九份地滑地之研究
作者 葉福源
出版日期 2002
頁碼或冊數 101
中文摘要 「九份地區」早期是以採礦石為主,近年來發展成觀光區,由於過度開發及缺乏妥善管理,致使地質條件不佳之山坡地,具有更大規模的潛在滑動。為確實掌握其滑動原因,除參考本試驗區之現有報告及相關文獻外,並根據前人實施調查與監測後,所得之資料及個人以人工監測結構體的錯動與裂縫之資料加以分析探討及尋求防治對策。
英文摘要 Jiu-fen was famous for it´s gold mine in the past years。Recently, it has been developed into a place of sight seeing。Because of high density construction and over use of land,some hill slope became highly potential landsliding area。In order to realize the reason of sliding,all the test reports and relative documents are necessary information which include former investigations and my own observation on structure movement and crack。Through thoroughly analysis with these data to find suitable prevention work planning。
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出版者 國立海洋大學河海工程學系碩士在職專班
出版地 基隆市
關鍵詞 臺北縣;瑞芳鎮;九份;地滑;坡地

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