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系統識別碼 094NTPU0102016
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 發展社區居民參與少年犯罪預防之歷程與成效研究-以臺北市西門町區域防治工作為例
作者 汪季參
出版日期 2006
頁碼或冊數 127
中文摘要 本研究調查458位居民,近7成以上對於西門町的社區意識具有正向概念,多數受訪者對於西門町在心理上有認同感,對社區事務產生榮辱與共的感覺,並願意為社區事務盡心盡力;發展居民參與就居民特性而言,性別和年齡所可能產生的影響大於其他特性。經由焦點團體座談發現居民對於社區事務能經由彼此的互動和活動參與,產生對西門町及少年犯罪防治的責任,當提及西門町的問題,居民會非常關心,並加以澄清說明。
英文摘要 This study is conducted a survey of 458 local residents, almost 70% of them possessed a positive conception of the community consciousness for Hsimending, most interviewees have the psychological identification with Hsimending that also resulted in the sense of sharing the honor and humiliation in the community affairs for them, and willing to devote themselves to contribute towards the community affairs; in addition, as to the characteristics of residents while developing their participation, the influence of sex and age will be greater than other characteristics. From the interview of the focus groups, we found that the residents are able to come out the responsibilities for the Hsimending and the juvenile delinquency prevention from their interaction and activities participation in the community affairs, furthermore, they will be very concerned about the issues of Hsimending that have been mentioned, and will try to make their own clarification and explanation for such issues.
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出版者 國立臺北大學犯罪學研究所在職專班
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;萬華區;西門町;社區;少年犯罪;區域防治;夥伴關係

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