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系統識別碼 094NTNU5227020
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 臺北市高中生人權認知與態度之研究---以萬華區公立高中為例
作者 黃宗秀
出版日期 2005
頁碼或冊數 169
中文摘要 本研究以台北市萬華區的公立高中學生為對象,進行在高中施行人權教育的研究。本研究採用文獻分析法及問卷調查法收集相關資料,以研究員自編的「高中生人權認知與態度之研究問卷」為工具,探究台北市高中學生的人權認知與態度的狀況,並分析高中生的性別、年齡、類組、幹部年資、家長學歷與就讀學校對學生的人權認知與態度之影響,探討人權的認知與態度之間是否相關。 研究發現以下現象: 高中生的人權認知未盡理想。對於國際性的人權知識較為欠缺;對國內人權議題認知情形稍好。 高中生的人權態度屬於正向積極。對於殘障者與同學的人權態度較為正向;對解決爭議的民主機制與優惠弱勢的的正義理念較為欠缺。 高中生的人權認知,受到學生的性別、年級、類組等變項的影響。女生優於男生,高年級優於低年級,第一類組勝過第二、第三類組。 高中生的人權態度,受到學生的性別、類組、擔任幹部年資等變項的影響。女生優於男生,第二類組落後於其他類組,擔任幹部年資較長者勝於年資較短者。 高中生的人權認知程度與人權態度之間有明顯的正相關。
英文摘要 This research is focused on public senior high school students in Wan-hua District in Taipei, and its purpose is to study and examine the implementation of human rights education in senior high schools. The paper adopts reference analysis and questionnaire to collect relevant information and statistic. Moreover, it also applies the researcher’s own ‘questionnaire of high school students’ human rights reorganization and human rights attitude’ as a tool for the purpose of this thesis. The research makes thorough inquiry regarding to the current human rights knowledge and attitude of high school students in Taipei, and analyzes high school students’ human rights attitude and recognition through their gender, age, and division of college interests, cadre experience and education and occupation of students’ parents. Lastly, the purpose of this paper is to discuss whether there is a connection between the degree of human rights recognition and human rights attitude. The paper makes the finding as follows: Recognition of human rights is not well known to senior high school students. Students lack for knowledge of international human rights’ issues. It is found that students are more familiar with recognition of domestic human rights’ topics. High school students’ attitude towards human rights is optimistic. Their attitude towards human right of the disabled and of other classmates positive. However, they lack for the solution of democratic system in dispute, and are short of the concept of Justice, which would allow preference for the minority. Students’ gender, grade, and division of college interests affect high school students’ recognition of human rights. Female students are better than male, seniors are superior to juniors, and liberal arts division students know more than engineering and science division students. Students’ gender, division of college interests, and their cadre experience at school affect high school students’ attitude of human rights. Generally speaking, Female students are better than male ones, and engineering division students fall behind others in liberal arts and science. Moreover, the longer the cadre experience they have, the better the attitude they possess. There is an obvious correlation between high school students’ human rights recognition and human rights attitude.
出版者 國立臺灣師範大學政治學研究所在職進修碩士班
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;萬華區;人權;人權教育;人權認知;人權態度

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