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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 觀光地區永續發展規劃之研究: 以東北角海岸風景特定區為例
作者 左顯能
出版日期 2000
頁碼或冊數 215
中文摘要 本研究採整合性及永續性規劃方法,選擇東北角海岸風景特定區為個案研究案例,以內部優勢及弱勢,外部機會及威脅,討論其永續觀光發展課題。再依世界觀光組織(WTO,1996)提出之永續觀光中心指標(Core Indicators of Sustainable Tourism)觀念,研提30項永續觀光發展現況指標量度,作為經營管理及釐訂策略之參考。分析結果有13項為趨向永續性發展,3項永續性趨向維持不變,14項背離永續性發展。對於不利永續觀光發展的內部、外部因素,直接、間接危害到東北角海岸觀光發展,本研究分析具體提出因應策略。由研究案例可知觀光地區永續發展,需針對觀光客、社區居民、觀光環境、觀光媒體間互相關連的課題予以整合規劃。觀光規劃及經營管理是持續不斷的,必需經營管理單位、居民、政府及國際合作推動實踐。必須為現代人及後世子孫永續觀光使用著想,才符合觀光地區永續發展。本研究並提出觀光地區永續發展行動策略,分政府觀光管理部門、觀光產業者、非政府組織(NGOs)、觀光客及國際組織等五部門予以釐訂,可作為觀光地區經營管理者執行規劃及永續發展之參考。
英文摘要 This study adopts the method of integration and sustainable planning, treating. The Northeast Coast National Scenic Area has been chosen as an example. The research begins with the debate of internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats of the said Scenic Area, in order to clarify the topics of sustainable tourism development. Adopting the concept of core indicators of sustainable tourism, we develop 30 indicators of the evaluation of sustainable tourism development to analyze the present situation and for the use of tourism management and policy-making. They include 13 indicators of forward to sustainable development, 3 of indicators neutral to sustainable development, and 14 indicators is deviation from sustainable development. The study proposes methods for strategic analysis on how to cope with internal and external factors against the sustainable development of the Northeast scenic area that will hurt the development of tourism directly or indirectly. This case study has shown that sustainable tourism development of a tourist area, depends on the interaction of tourists, residents, the tourism environment, and trade media .It has shown, moreover, that planning and management of a tourist area, is ongoing. This requires the involvement of administrators, residents, government, and international cooperation. The purpose of sustainable tourism development is to serve the needs of the people and their posterity. The study also proposes strategies and implementation methods for sustainable tourism development. These are divided into strategies and methods for government agencies, the tourism industry, non-governmental organizations, tourists, and international organizations. This is to be used as a reference for administrators in planning the sustainable of destinations.
出版者 國立臺灣大學地理學研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北縣;貢寮鄉;觀光;觀光地區;觀光規劃;永續發展;永續觀光中心指標;tourism;destination;tourismplanning;sustainabledevelopment;coreindicatorsofsustainabletourism

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