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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 都市內農業灌溉渠道發展歷程之調查及其再利用之研究: 以新店市瑠公圳為例
作者 莊媛婷
出版日期 2001
頁碼或冊數 1冊
中文摘要 本文的研究目的是希望藉由圳路資料庫的建立、圳路空間及周邊土地使用模式的整理研析,擬出一套圳路歷史空間活用的保存計劃,研究方法以實地觀察、測繪為主,當地居民的訪談、文獻收集為輔,整個研究的操作方法經由觀察、測繪、記錄、訪問、文獻收集、資料整理等步驟,把所得到的資料轉化為屬於可評價性的資料,回饋未來圳路復原作再利用方案研擬之用,期能經由水圳空間的再造復原,將整個水圳的發展歷史作全面性完整的介紹及保存。
英文摘要 In Taiwan, the ditch system most belongs to the self-established water facilities by the public and 'Liu Kung Ditch' is also involved. The purpose of this research is expected to prepare a set of preservation plan for using the historical space of ditch system by database establishment of ditch system, arrangement and analysis on use mode of ditch space and surrounding land. On-site survey, measuring and drawing, supplemented interview with local habitants and collection of literature are the methodology used in this research. Through above said operative procedure, transfer the data acquired to an evaluated one to be a recycling preparation when the ditch system recovers in the future. It's expected to introduce and preserve the development history of ditch completely and perfectly through rebuilding and recovery of ditch system.
出版者 淡江大學建築研究所建築與都市理論組
出版地 臺北縣
關鍵詞 臺北縣;新店市;農業水圳;瑠公圳;再利用

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