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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 國民小學英語教學方案之研究―以新竹市為例
作者 林文廣
出版日期 2006
頁碼或冊數 148
中文摘要 本研究係採問卷調查,以利害關係人的角度,選取新竹市國民小學學校教育人員、家長、學生為對象,以獲取他們對新竹市國民小學英語教育滿意度、執行成效、影響因素及未來發展方向的看法.與訪談方式選取訪談新竹市國民小學英語教師及家長數名,與地方教育局長、副局長及新竹教育大學相關學者2名為訪談對象,使用半結構式(semi-structuredinterview)問卷進行面對面的訪談,並將訪談資料歸納整理,以補強問卷調查所得資料不足處,彙整所得資料加以分析.
英文摘要 A survey is conducted to obtain the necessary data for this study. The subjects in this survey are Hsinchu City public school system's English educators, students, and parents of the students. Questionnaires in the survey were designed to gather information on the study subjects' satisfaction level with the city's English education program and their general perception of the program's effectiveness, influence, and future directions. Additional feedback is collected from the chief and assistant chief of HCEB as well as several English teachers, some parents, and two professors at National Hsinchu University of Education through a semi-structured interview process, in which face-to-face interview is conducted using a list of pre-determined questions. Information collected from these interviews is organized to supplement the initial findings from the survey to form a complete dataset, which is analyzed to arrive at the conclusion and recommendations laid out in the next two paragraphs
出版者 中華大學行政管理學系研究所碩士班
出版地 新竹市
關鍵詞 新竹市;英語教育方案;外籍教師;協同教學;專業語言服務機構;執行成效

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