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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 應用網際網路於社會領域主題統整之行動研究:以新莊老街再造議 題為例
作者 顏膺修
出版日期 2001
頁碼或冊數 136
中文摘要 本研究目的在於探討網際網路應用於社會領域主題統整教學所需具備的因素,並以「新莊老街再造」為主要的議題。因此,本研究先藉由文獻探討,整理出與主題統整課程教學網站相關的理論,以作為研究的立論基礎。接著,收集「新莊老街再造」的相關資料,建置教學網站,並運用行動研究,實際在新莊國小五年級某班進行教學,並以錄影、觀察、訪談以及文件分析等方式,探討可能影響主題統整網站教學的因素。
英文摘要 This study was about discussing what were the factors which affect teachers’teaching strategies, when teachers used Internet as a teaching material to design an integrated thematic curriculum for elementary students in social studies. The topic of research was about an old street of Hsing-Chuang and the researcher tried to give the old street a new meaning that it is not only a night market but also a main street in the Hsing- Chuang city. According to the history of Hsing-Chuang and theory of integrated thematic curriculum, the research designed this curriculum: The reborn old street. After collected relative information, the researcher designed an instructional web site and selected students from a fifth grade class in Hsing-Chuang elementary school to examine the curriculum. During the exanimation, the researcher collected those data by interviewing students and teachers, observing students in the class, and recording students’ reactions when they visited the old street.
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出版者 花蓮師範學院社會科教學碩士班
出版地 花蓮縣
關鍵詞 臺北縣;新莊市;網際網路;主題統整;社會領域;行動研究

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