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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 林口台地非飽和紅土特性之研究
作者 朱信安
出版日期 2003
頁碼或冊數 145
中文摘要 近年來台灣由於經濟蓬勃發展、居住品質提昇及休閒旅遊盛行,導致許多的坡地開發案孕育而生,但其背後卻隱藏了水土保持不當與坡地滑動之潛在性危險,所以坡地特殊的非飽和土壤工程特性則成為工程規劃設計時所必需要加以考量之基本依據。台灣地區紅土台地之分佈甚廣,約佔全台灣山坡地可用面積之六成左右,其分佈由北而南依序為林口、桃新、后里、大肚山、八卦山及埔里段丘等台地。鑒於台地本身之開發行為及相關工程設計之因素,本研究特別針對林口台地紅土之非飽和工程特性如土壤水份特性曲線及基質吸力對於其土壤剪力強度影響,同時亦針對滲透性及變形性加以研究探討。最後建議適合林口台地紅土適用之水份特性曲線以及強度預估經驗公式,以提供設計分析時之參考依據。
英文摘要 Lateritic soils have been found to be widely distributed in Taiwan and they cover almost 60 % of all the usable hillsides and terraces. Due to the requirements of hillside development and the relevant engineering design for unsaturated soil slopes, this study aims at studying the unsaturated properties of the lateritic soils of Linkou Terrace. The unsaturated engineering properties included the soil-water characteristic curve, matric suction, and undrained shear strength. In addition, a commercially available software is also used to back analyze the laboratory results. The theoretical formulations for estimating the soil-water characteristic curve and unsaturated permeability, which may be useful to design engineer analyzing lateritic soil slopes, are then suggested.
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出版者 國立台北科技大學土木與防災技術研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北縣;林口鄉;非飽和土壤;土壤水份特性曲線;基質吸力

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