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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 深坑地區昆蟲資源調查與教學設計(以五年級為例)
作者 郭信宏
出版日期 2004
頁碼或冊數 133
中文摘要 本研究運用深坑地區昆蟲資源調查方法,發展國小五年級昆蟲相關教材,本研究運用行動研究法將「多元智慧」教學理念融入其中,設計學習單教學。最後再運用自我反省之方法,提醒學生團體實驗與合作學習的重要,強化學習者的人際關係。為了解研究對象在學習前對昆蟲有關之先存概念或態度,先施以教學前測,課程實施時在現場進行錄影、錄音,並收集學習者文件(學習單、觀察紀錄、學習日記)、教師日誌、參與觀察者日誌,教學後再進行後測,經過資料蒐集分析,探討實施成果。
英文摘要 This research studies and investigates the insect resources in Shenkeng Town area as well as the students’ behavior and attitude toward insects. This research applies Action-Study method and concepts of “Multiple-Intelligence” teaching to design and develop student worksheets for corresponding teaching lessons. Self-Reflection approach is further used to remind students the importance of the group experiment and cooperation learning, and to help students enhance their team work, peer interaction and social skills. In order to understand the students’ initial concept and attitude toward insects, a pre-assessment was conducted prior to the lessons. During the course of lessons, the whole learning process is videotaped and audio recorded. All of the students’ paper works are collected (including student worksheets, observation records and learning journals). In addition, teacher’s journal, the auditors and observers’ feedback, and post-assessment after lessons are collected to analyze and examine the final achievement of the study and lessons.
出版者 國立臺北師範學院數理教育研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北縣;深坑鄉;昆蟲資源;學校本位課程;教學設計;有效教學

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