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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 休閒農場生態體驗經營策略之研究: 烏來生態農場與阿里磅生態農場個案分析為主
作者 林本維
出版日期 2004
頁碼或冊數 1冊
中文摘要 本研究選定烏來生態農場和阿里磅生態農場,深入剖析,研究結果如下:一、兩個農場皆皆面臨遊客人數不足,及假日非假日遊客人數落差過大。二、烏來生態農場生態體驗經營利用當地原始林,結合原住民文化,提供多樣性活動,遊客重遊率高。阿里磅生態農場生態提供自然觀察,遊客對象大多為國小學童,較缺乏多樣性內涵。三、休閒農場生態體驗經營策略擬定,主要應該強調在保育的觀點下,休閒遊憩品質的提昇與農業資源的充份運用。
英文摘要 This research project was conducted to investigate the managing scheme of ecological experience for operators of leisure farms by using case study research. The results of this project are showing as follow: Above all, the major problems of Wu-Lai Leisure Farm and A-Li-Bang Leisure Farm are inefficient tourists and large variations of tourists between weekends and weekdays. Moreover, Wu-Lai Leisure Farm provides various activities in order to raise the rate of re-tour. The main point of ecological experience on the A-Li-Bang Leisure Farm is natural observation, it is necessary to improve these activities in order to make tourists feel these are full of variety. Finally, it should be concentrated on conservation to draw of ecological experience for leisure farms.
出版者 國立中興大學農業推廣教育研究所
出版地 臺中市
關鍵詞 臺北縣;烏來鄉;休閒農場;生態體驗;經營策略

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