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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 學校本位概念下的音樂課程設計: 以烏來福山國小為例
作者 蔡杏絃
出版日期 2003
頁碼或冊數 121
中文摘要 本研究的研究目的旨在從學校本位概念出發,藉由田野調查資料之探討與心得,將原住民泰雅族音樂文化,保存於臺北縣烏來鄉福山國小的鄉土音樂課程之中,並期盼此鄉土教學過程,能網住這些泰雅孩童的鄉土情懷,更加了解自身的傳統文化,而原住民傳統文化亦得以永續傳承。第一章介紹研究範圍與方法。第二章主要針對福山國小的地理環境與人文風貌、部落歷史與種族狀況和學生背景做深入瞭解。第三章則就泰雅族的傳統音樂文化進行描述與認識。第四章規劃音樂課程的主要內容。第五章課程評鑑。第六章為總結。
英文摘要 The main research objective of this thesis is to preserve the musical culture of the Atayal aboriginal tribe in a music course at Fu-shan Elementary. It is also hoped that in the process of learning about their own cultural background, Atayal children will be inspired with native pride and will better understand their traditional culture. In this way, traditional indigenous culture may be passed on to future generations.The first chapter is the preface. The second chapter focuses on the geographical environment and cultural appearance circumstance surround of Fu-shan Elementary, on the village history and the appearance of Atayal tribe. The third chapter surveys the traditional music culture of Atayal people. The fourth chapter is concerned with the design of a aboriginal music course. The fifth chapter introduces the evaluation of the curriculum plannings. The sixth chapter is the conclusion.
出版者 東吳大學音樂學系
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北縣;烏來鄉;學校本位課程;原住民音樂教育;泰雅族;課程評鑑;協同教學

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