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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 「九份」意象的社會建構:多重認知觀點的分析
作者 呂宛書
出版日期 1996
頁碼或冊數 156
中文摘要 本研究所想討論的是:形塑「真實性」對主方社會的意義,亦即九份社會如何形塑其「真實的」九份面貌,以及主方社會的各社會單元如何表現其多重認知的觀點。
英文摘要 First, expressing Chiu-Fen image is just a process for Chiu-Fen, as a host society, satifying "guest" to understand "real Chiu-Fen culture". Some cultural elements which are used to construct Chiu-Fen image are abstracted from original culture of host society. The others which suit the cultural image are new from other cultures. The host society not only awares the that are attractive, offering authenticity to "guest", but is also influenced the cognizition of self culture by the culture proformance in tourism, even forms the new tradition. Second, Each different parts of host societies, such as touristic bussiness, tour guide, residential area, and liberal-humanists, uses different ways to shap the image of Chiu-Fen, with different sense of culture markers.
出版者 國立臺灣大學人類學研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北縣;瑞芳鎮;九份;主方社會;客方;多重認知觀點

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