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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 東北角雙溪河口魚類週期性變動之研究
作者 吳家福
出版日期 2000
頁碼或冊數 169
中文摘要 為了解東北角雙溪河口魚類資源之多樣性及其週期性與季節、氣候之關係,自1998年12月27日至2000年5月31日共522天的期間內,本實驗於雙溪河口南側福隆漁港旁之沙岸,以捕捉鰻苗之小型沙地拖網進行逐日夜間之稚魚、幼魚以至於部份成魚的樣本收集。總共捕獲20目76科236種魚類243,341尾個體,其中包括少部份後期仔魚(Post larvae)及多數的稚魚(juvenile)、幼魚(young)、未成魚(immature)和成魚(adults)個體等各種不同的發育期階段之魚體樣本。並且得知各物種於河口出現之農曆時節和個體大小等週期性數據,可做為河口魚類生態學研究的參考資料。在調查期間,個體數超過1千尾的優勢種依序為:鯔科幼魚(包括大鱗鯔及臺灣凡鯔)、日本鯷、白鰻、鱸鰻、科幼魚、黑尾小砂、日本禿頭鯊、花身雞魚、小雙邊魚、麥銀漢魚、粗紋、日本銀帶鯡、黑蝦虎魚等。這些總數超過千尾的種類即佔了總數目的97.2%,而其棲性(Guild types)多屬近海表層洄游性或河海洄游型魚類。在魚種之棲性分析上,個體數較多的物種棲性多屬表層洄游型、河海洄游型、河口域魚類,而岩礁性、砂質性魚類數量稍少但對於物種數之貢獻頗鉅。推測因為雙溪河口具備東北角岩岸中少有的大型沙岸地形,且雙溪、隆隆溪與鹽寮灣的魚類亦聚集於此地,故能夠涵養各種棲性魚類幼苗,並同時具有高生物多樣性和多種經濟性魚類,其重要性值得保護以確保各類魚苗能在此成長。
英文摘要 To understand the biodiversity and the periodic fluctuation of the fish in Shuangchi river estrarine of northeastern Taiwan, related with the season and the climate, we collected juvenile, young, immature, and adult fish individuals every night, with the tool of small trawl of fishing elvers on the west side of Fu-Long harbor from Dec 27, 1998 to May 31, 2000. Totally, we fished 243, 341 individuals of 20 orders, 76 families, 236 species, including post larvae, juvenile, young, immature, adult ones, and also obtained the periodic fluctuation and the body size of every kinds of fish for ecological study on estuarine fishes. The superior species whose amount is more than 1,000 are Mugilidae(Liza macrolepis, and Valamugil formosae, mainly), Engraulis japonicus, Anguilla japonica, Anguilla mamorata, Leiognathidae, Sardinella melanura, Sicyopterus micrurus, Terapon jarbua, Ambassis miops, Atherion elymus, Leiognathus lineolatus, Spratelloides gracilis, Bathygobius fuscus, successively. These superior species groups constituted approximately 97.2% of the total collection, and most of them are coastal epipelagic migratory or amphidromous fishes. Analyzing the lunar data, we found that the number of species and the total amount of fish collected had an inverse proportional relationship. The guild types of the superior fishes belong to coastal epipelagic migratory, amphidromous, and estuarine, mainly. Although the total amount of the fish whose habitat is around the rocky or sandy shore is less here, the number of species of these fish is more. Because the coast of the Northeastern Taiwan was mostly rocky, the large overslaugh in Shuangchi river estuary is unusual. The fish from Shuangchi river, Long-long brook, and Yenliao Bay coexisted here and there were large amount of fish larvae of various guild types living here. Therefore, it is important to protect the highly biodiversity and also economic fish larvae here.
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出版者 國立清華大學生命科學系
出版地 新竹市
關鍵詞 臺北縣;貢寮鄉;魚;雙溪;東北角海岸;週期性變動;仔魚;稚魚;幼魚;河口;fish;ShuangchiRiver;NortheasternTaiwan;periodicfluctuation;larvae;juvenile;young;estuary

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