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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 核一廠與核四廠之預見暫態未急停事故分析
作者 黃雅娟
出版日期 2005
頁碼或冊數 174
中文摘要 本研究係針對金山電廠之沸水式反應爐與龍門電廠之進步型沸水式反應爐,應用已建妥之金山電廠與龍門電廠參數檔,以嚴重核子事故序列分析程式(Modular Accident Analysis Program, MAAP) 4.0.4版本進行穩態(Steady State)模擬,藉以瞭解程式是否能模擬穩態運轉,同時亦可藉由模擬結果獲知參數檔案內各參數是否合宜。
英文摘要 Based on the established parameter files of the Chin-Shan and Lung-Men Nuclear Power Stations, the Modular Accident Analysis Program version 4.0.4 (MAAP 4.0.4) was used for steady state evaluation. Performing the steady-state simulations assure the appropriateness of the parameter files used for the MAAP calculations. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the postulated anticipated transient without scram (ATWS) severe accident scenarios for the Chin-Shan and Lung-Men Nuclear Power Stations. In this study, the behaviors of reactor core and containment, and release of fission products were analyzed. Besides, the phenomena associated these scenarios were discussed.
出版者 中原大學機械工程研究所
出版地 桃園縣
關鍵詞 臺北縣;金山鄉;核一廠;核四廠

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