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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 中小學體育館營運績效指標之個案研究: 以臺北縣立鶯歌高職為例
作者 郭文仁
出版日期 2004
頁碼或冊數 150
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討中小學體育館營運之績效指標,且以台北縣立鶯歌高職為個案做研究;在各級政府法令規章與國內、外相關研究文獻之分析,並透過對個案內部資料及管理人員之分析與訪談,以了解其目前經營管理現況與未來之展望;另藉由問卷調查法,對學校社區民眾進行問卷,在瞭解「顧客」對校內體育館未來營運之期望後,引用平衡計分卡的概念,於學者專家之審閱與修正下,建構出鶯歌高職體育館營運績效指標.
英文摘要 This study aimed to research on operative performance evaluation indicators in Secondary and Elementary school gymnasiums, taking Yingge Vocational High School Gymnasium as the study case. The study, based on the analysis of government laws and regulations, as well as on the domestic and foreign literature review, probed into the gym's present operative conditions and its future plans, through the results of the interviews with the school administrators and the analysis of case data collected. In addition, questionnaires were adopted to collect data from the school community. After analyzing the Customers’ expectations towards the gym’s future operative performance, Balanced Scorecard (BSC) was adopted, and with the reviewing and revising of experts and scholars, the operative performance evaluation indicators of Yingge Vocational High School Gymnasium was constructed.
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出版者 國立臺灣師範大學體育學系體育行政組
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 體育;體育館;營運;績效;臺北縣;鶯歌鎮

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