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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 博物館家庭觀眾參觀行為之研究: 以臺北縣立鶯歌陶瓷博物館 201 展示廳為例
作者 方惠玉
出版日期 2004
頁碼或冊數 163
中文摘要 本研究係以台北縣立鶯歌陶瓷博物館中的家庭觀眾為研究對象,目的在探討他們在博物館中的參觀行為與影響其行為之各種因素,以提供博物館展示設計、教育活動規劃及整體營運上的參考。本研究採用參與式觀察、錄音、參觀動線紀錄及非正式訪談等方法來蒐集資料,從家庭觀眾的組成、參觀動線、家庭觀眾參觀展品數量與內容、對話次數與類型、溝通模式等項目來分析家庭觀眾的參觀行為、引發互動行為探討、與研究者的互動關係、開放性問題整理等,經分析統計歸結出結論.
英文摘要 This research is about the interview of family group who visits Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum. The aim of the research is to investigate the visiting behavior of family members and the influent factors in the museum to provide Yingge Ceramics Museum some information about the improvement of the display designed plan, the plan of educational activity and the glocal working. This research adopts the methods of observer as participant, tape-recording, route-recording and informal interview to collect the data, the research consists with the composition of family visitors and the progress of the family menbers’visit, the number and content of displaying works, the times and styles of interaction, the model analysis of visiting behavior of family group in the communication, the factors of arousing interaction and discuss , the interaction between the visitors and the researcher, the arrangement of opening question. After counting and analysing leads to the conclusion.
出版者 國立臺南藝術學院博物館學研究所在職專班
出版地 臺南縣
關鍵詞 臺北縣;鶯歌鎮;陶瓷;博物館;觀眾;參觀;行為;展示

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