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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 地方產業結構變遷與創新學習能力之研究: 以鶯歌藝術陶瓷產業為例
作者 陳政均
出版日期 2004
頁碼或冊數 150
中文摘要 知識經濟時代以來,企業廠商在演化的過程中扮演著行動者的角色,藉由與其他行動者的網絡連結帶動經濟發展。作為一個行動者,除須具備有辨識力、創新以及組織能力等三點成功的競爭因素外,尚須受到三種選擇性環境的影響:制度、市場與空間結構。本文首先透過鶯歌陶瓷產業歷史發展軌跡的檢視,知鶯歌陶瓷產業具有區位上的聚集,擁有先天發展的資源優勢與後天發展的人才優勢,已居於國內陶瓷產業的首位。探討鶯歌陶瓷產業之生產系統,其聚集為一種垂直性的組成,廠商僅與生產流程中的上下游廠商接觸,並非為廠商與廠商間基於互惠、高度信任與緊密互動學習的水平式結構,在近年來受到陶瓷外銷市場萎縮與全球化衝擊之下,鶯歌陶瓷產業的近代發展在全球朝向知識經濟時代轉變之時,加上政府對文化產業的重視,為藝術陶瓷產業開啟了一個發展的新契機。
英文摘要 In the age of Knowledge-based economy, enterprises have played the role of actors in the evolutionary process, and by networking with other actors, they promote the economical development. As an actor, the enterprises should have three kinds of cognitive, innovative, and organizational competence capabilities. In addition, three environmental influences from institutions, markets, and the spatial structure are also the factors that can impact the enterprises. The research starts with investigating the history of Yingge ceramics industry, to explore its productive system, and connected innovation and learning ability under the impact of Knowledge-based economy. In the past, Yingge ceramics industry was initiated by its affluent resources and abundant of talents. Nevertheless, these enterprises didn’t connect with other actors, such as academic research, private or government organizations, so that the industry didn’t enjoy productive network to form their innovation and learning ability.
出版者 國立臺北大學都市計劃研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北縣;鶯歌鎮;陶瓷;地方;產業;結構;學習;藝術

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