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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 臺灣地區推動地方觀光行銷策略之研究: 以鶯歌地方觀光發展為例
作者 吳俐璇
出版日期 2003
頁碼或冊數 85
中文摘要 鶯歌可說是台灣典型的觀光城市案例,公部門(中央政府經濟部與文建會、地方縣政府)與私部門(地方社區組織)投入大筆經費與人力後,觀光事業依然無法達到其所預期的經濟成長。歸納其原因,鶯歌雖然在台灣享有陶瓷之都的美譽。並不斷地就鶯歌與陶瓷之間的做一緊密連結。但是,鶯歌從來沒有就其行銷策略與管理做一檢討與執行。像是區分客層並對不同客群做一分析與進行不同之行銷方法,公部門與私部門間的合作機制與地方創新思維等等。這些種種原因都導致鶯歌在做地方行銷時遭受到極大的困難與挑戰。 本研究將對鶯歌的問題與挑戰做一探討並期望能藉由鶯歌來對台灣其他地方城鎮的觀光行銷策略建立起其行銷模式並簡單找出改進的方法。並寄望藉由每個城鎮的獨特性融入創意與創新的推銷活動中做為地方行銷策略的關鍵。在這競爭的觀光市場,有效的利用地方本身的獨特性來建立優勢面對機會與市場變化已成為地方生存的關鍵。這過程也必須要把地方政府部門與當地居民一併納入一同為地方打拼合作。在公部門資源不斷緊縮的情況下,地方必須要靠自己的力量站起才有機會成為一個永續的觀光產業。
英文摘要 Yingge is a typical model of tourism place support by government's resources. It has successfully built its image as the ceramic capital of Taiwan. However, it has never segmentation its tourists group and never figured out what kind tourist group is going to their best target. The private and public sectors also lack of communication to work together to have effective marketing strategies together. Therefore, the challenge for marketing and promotion gets exceptionally difficult. In result, the tourists do not bring in the economic development Yingge was expecting. This research is based on Yingge as the example to illustrate the problems and challenges those other small tourism cities and towns may face right now. Each towns and cities need to have confidence that they all have their own uniqueness to develop a strategic marketing and promoting plan based on their creativity and innovation to build its local characteristic to compete in tourism market. The cooperation between local and private sectors are also crucial for a sustainable tourism development that local does not overly rely on government’s resources.
出版者 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北縣;鶯歌鎮;地方;觀光;行銷;策略

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