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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 階級衝突與地方產業發展之研究: 以鶯歌陶瓷業發展為例
作者 鄭如婷
出版日期 2003
中文摘要 在反思性現代(reflexive modernity)注重地方主義的趨勢下,著重發掘地方特色的研究日益受到重視。而在國內有關地方發展的文獻中,理論基礎則尚不多見。本文係以階級理論(class theory)為研究地方發展之理論基礎,分析階級衝突與地方發展的相互影響關係。階級理論則提供國內研究一個新的研究取向。本研究係以鶯歌鎮陶瓷業發展為研究對象,進而針對鶯歌陶瓷老街進行個案研究,運用參與觀察、問卷調查與深入訪談等研究方法,探討地方發展過程如何形塑不同的階級及其衝突過程?不同階級於地方發展過程中扮演何種角色?階級衝突將對地方發展產生什麼樣的影響?階級將透過什麼力量去影響地方的發展?
英文摘要 In the trend of reflexive modernity, the research on local development has been looked upon in resent years. However, the base theories of the research on local development are not enough in Taiwan. The study takes class theory for its base theory to analyze the influence between class conflict and local development. Further more, class theory could provide a new perspective to examine how a place develops in Taiwan. When a place develops, what kinds of role do classes play? How do classes shape, alter and conflict? And how do these situations affect local development? This study explores all mentioned above. We take Yingko ceramics industry as the target area and Yingko Ceramics Old Street as the case study, analyze how the roles of classes, the formation and conflict of classes influence the process and the outcome of local development.
出版者 國立臺北大學地政學系
出版地 臺北縣
關鍵詞 臺北縣;鶯歌鎮;階級;地方;產業;陶瓷

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