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系統識別碼 A97038245
資料類型 單篇文獻
主要題名 日治時代臺灣近代都市計畫法制之創設--創設期法制之內涵,並以臺北市街之施行為例
作者 黃武達;蔡之豪;內藤昌
出版日期 1997-09
卷期 24:2
頁碼或冊數 99-127
中文摘要 日治時代所建立之臺灣近代都市計畫法制,其歷史分期可以「臺灣都市計畫令」 之生效施行( 1937.4.1 )為分界點; 在此之前, 本文謂之「法制創設期」( 1895 ~ 1937 年),在此之後,謂之「法制確立期」。 殖民統治初期之近代都市政策,係以都市公 共衛生及道路之改善著手,即所謂「市區改正」事業。由此過程擷取經驗,次第擬訂與「市 區改正」相關之規定,從而漸次轉化為「市區計畫」(都市計畫)之法規與制度。舉凡「大 租權」之消減,與土地所有權之確立(小租業主),土地調查與地籍測繪,不動產及他項權 利登錄制度之創設等,不僅地政史上極重要之土地改革,且都市近代化與推行都市計畫,極 重要之基礎制度。 1899 年 4 月公布之「臺灣下水規則」 (律令第 6 號 ),則為實施「市 區改正」工事,最早制定之律令; 同年 11 月公布之「律令第 30 號」,對於市區計畫預定 之「公共事業用地」,更嚴格限制該土地之使用,或變更地形、地貌,為爾後「市區計畫」 之順利徵收都市設施用地,提供強而有力之法律基礎。 其後於 1901 年 5 月公布之「臺灣 土地收用規則」 (律令第 3 號 ),進而使「土地收用」 (徵收 ) 制度法制化,成為「市區 計畫」制度重要之一環。以上三種「律令」.乃構成「創設期」都市計查法制之主軸。至於 早期之「市區改正」工事及「市區計畫」,原則上均須經臺灣總督之「認可」後,方得告示 施行,足見殖民統治下之近代都市政策,乃臺灣總督府所強力主客之中央集權制度。「法制 創設期」之另一重要制度,則建立「市區計畫」制度。對於計畫之審議,初由各地方官廣設 置「市區計畫委員會」,其後於 1910 年設立「臺灣總督府市區計畫委員會」,臺灣全島之 市區計畫,從而統歸總督府所主導。 1937 年,為配合「臺灣都市計畫令」之施行,改制「 臺灣都市計畫委員會」; 1940 年再分設為都市計畫「中央委員會」,及各州.成之「地方 委員會」,確立都市計委委員會之二級制。而「創設期」所制定之各種計畫制度,於其後之 「法制確立期」,仍多納入「臺灣都市計畫令」法制體系之內,維紡施行,甚至於戰後國府 統治下之臺灣,仍多承續沿用 (本文續編後敘 ),對於臺灣今日之都市發展,實有深遠之影 響。
英文摘要 The history of the contemporary city planning legislation for Taiwan in the Japanese colonial age in this paper would be set up into two stages: "Creation Stage" (1895-1937) and "consolidation Stage" after the "Taiwan City Planning Order" (1937.4.1) and onwards. Contemporary urban policy of the early colonial administration was focusing on urban public health and road improvement, i.e. "City Reform". In the reform process, regulations of concern were consequentially formulated and transferred into the legislation of "City Area Plan" (City Planning). Major aspects in the legislation were: "Grand Lease" elimination for land ownership to small tenants; landuse and ownership surrey; ownership and exterior rights registration on property. The legislation created land reform and foundation for urban modernization, i.e. compulsory acquisition was importnt for "City Area Plan" implementation. The "Taiwan Sewer Regulation" (Order No. 6) in April 1899 was the first decree for implementing "City Reform; in November the same year" The Order no. 30' set up savero roetriction on change of landuse and land form on the "Public Facility Land" which provided solid legal basis for the implementation of "City Area Plan" latter. In May 1901 the "Land Compulsory Acquisition Regulations in Taiwan" (Order No. 3) stabilized land acquisition practice. Those three "Order" constituted as the piers of planning legislation in the "Creation Stage". The implementation of the public works in the early period of "City Reform" and "City Area Plan" required only the "Approval" of the Governor, which indicated the centralization for planning power under the colonial administration. In the "Creation Stage", the other important aspect was the creation of examination and review system. At the beginning, a "City Planning Committee" was created in each local authority. In 1910, "The City Planning Committee of the Taiwan Governor Office" was created and then, directed all the city plans in the Island. In 1937, for the implementation of "The City Planning Order for Taiwan" it was changed as "The City Planning Committee of Taiwan". In 1940, it was further created as "The Central Committee" and "Local Committee" for local authority. The two-tier system for planning examination and evaluation with the other innovations of the same stage had been consolidated in "The City Planning Order for Taiwan" of the "Consolidation Stage", also further inherited by the Chinese Government (to be presented in the follow-up of this Paper). Those innovations of the Creation Stage had profound influence to the urban development in Taiwan.
期刊刊名 都市與計劃
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關鍵詞 臺灣近代都市計畫法制;法制創設期;臺北市

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