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系統識別碼 A94026778
資料類型 單篇文獻
主要題名 臺北市北區行道樹植食性昆蟲調查
作者 范義彬;趙榮臺
出版日期 1994-09
卷期 9:3
頁碼或冊數 281-286
中文摘要 本研究以臺北市北區(北投、士林、內湖、松山、中山、大同等六個行政區)14條主要道路的行道樹為對象,調查各樹種的樹勢與其上之植食性昆蟲,並加以評估。19種行道樹中生長較佳(平均樹勢>30%)者有榔榆等11種,而生長不良(平均樹勢<3.0)者則有樟等8種行道樹。除了火焰木未發現有昆蟲外,其餘18種行道樹上發現之昆蟲共計6目19科29種,其中榕樹上的網體蝨蚜、黃脈刺桐上的吹綿介殼蟲、楓香上的楓粉蝨,出現率極高,分佈廣泛。臺北市北區應予注意的行道樹種及昆蟲均在文中討論,本文亦建議行道樹的設計應將病蟲害列入考慮。
英文摘要 Occurence and distribution of insects associated with street trees as well as the growth condition of these trees on 14 main streets in northern part of Taipei City were investigated and assessed. Among the 19 species of street trees, 11 were found in good health while 8 in poor condition. A total of 29 species of insects, belonging to 6 orders, 19 families, were associated with all 19 species of street trees but Spathodea comparulata. Insects with the highest frequency of occurrence and the most extensive distribution were Reticulaphis fici (on Ficus microcarpa), Icerya purchasi (on Erythrina variegata) and Pealius liquidambari (on Liquidambar formosana). Tree species and insect species that require special attention are discussed. It is also suggested that insects and pathogens should be considered in designing street trees.
期刊刊名 林業試驗所研究報告季刊
關鍵詞 臺北市;昆蟲;都市林;行道樹

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