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系統識別碼 A96036226
資料類型 單篇文獻
主要題名 從Atogolan遺址到興昌遺址--論史前遺址命名之問題暨遺址調查簡報
作者 連照美
出版日期 1996-06
卷期 51
頁碼或冊數 83-105
中文摘要 本文舉出1934年日人西東重義先生所發表當時稱為「臺東廳八里芒??卜??????」的遺址,因為多種語言,以及行政區域名稱更改等歷史背景因素造成遺址名稱特殊,導致該遺址多年來被忽略、被誤解,以及後來重新被認識之過程。本文據之討論史前遺址命名的重要性與困難性,詳述本遺址重新認清的過程之外,並作成該遺址附近地區(即今日臺東縣東河鄉興昌村及其附近)若干遺址的最新田野調查報告。另將修訂及新增相關遺址簡檔附於文後。
英文摘要 This paper began with a discussion basically on the importance and the problem of giving a place name for a prehistoric site. The focus is on a preliminary report of archaeological excavations, published in 1934. This report was written in Japanese and the site was described in local Amis spelling as Atogolan with a district name previously given in the past. Thus the site was mistaken as another site recently known as the Tu-lan site for many years. In this paper the present author after having surveyed the area, is able not only to clarify the mistake in detail, but also made a preliminary field report on some newly discovered prehistoric sites in the area and revised some site records made in 1992 in which Alogolan was included.
期刊刊名 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊
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出版者 國立臺灣大學出版委員會
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 Atogolan遺址;興昌遺址;史前遺址;八里芒遺址;八里鄉;臺北縣

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