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系統識別碼 A97007103
資料類型 單篇文獻
主要題名 高膽固醇血症患者對飲食治療的效果--金山社區三個月的經驗
作者 蘇大成;陳珮蓉;簡國龍;胡雪萍;許秀卿;宋鴻樟;李源德
出版日期 1997-03
卷期 8:1
頁碼或冊數 18-29
中文摘要 以群體教育謀求社會變革或預防疾病的策略,已經被廣泛地運用在冠狀動脈心臟病的流行病學觀察或介入治療研究上。減少危險因子,尤其是飲食矯正及體重控制,咸認為是高膽固醇血症治療最基本的第一步驟。然而,究竟飲食治療對國人高膽固醇血症患者能達到多少療效,以及這種治療的特色為何,誠值得國人注意。研究人員在1990年夏天開始在台北縣金山社區,以35歲以上居民為對象,完成心血管疾病基本調查,建立了一個世代研究群。並於1992-1993年期間的第一次追蹤時,選出符合美國國家膽固醇教育計畫(NCEP-ATP_II)成人治療指引-II中所定,需要接受飲食(或加上藥物)治療標準以上的高膽固醇血症病人。從1994年3月至5月,有526位居民在金山群體醫療中心,接受醫師和營養師的高脂血症飲食治療教育。347位於三個月後回中心接受抽血,驗收療效及接受飲食問卷面談,以查驗其飲食習慣的變化。這347位被納入此次飲食治療介入研究的成果分析;包括治療前後的血脂值,BMI及WHR皆被用來評估療效。 Paired-t test顯示,飲食治療明顯降低總膽固醇(T- CHO)、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(LDL-C) 、高密度脂蛋白膽固醇(HDL-C) ,及原脂蛋白- B(Apo-B)的濃度,其平均降低值及標準差分別是10.9±1.7mg/dl(-4.9%),13.9±1.8mg/dl(-9.0%),2.2±0.5 mg/dl(-4.5%),及0.23±0.03mg/dl(-18.1%),以上 p值皆為<0.001。而BMI值亦明顯減少0.30±0.05(p<0.05)。對飲食治療的效果,男性比女性顯著:男性總膽固醇降低16.9mg/dl,而女性僅降低5.9mg/dl(p<0.01);就LDL-C而言,男性降低18.5mg/dl而女性僅降低10.2mg/dl(p<0.05)。 飲食治療對膽固醇值愈高者效果愈顯著。用ANOVA test來分析,發現未治療前LDL-C值超過190mg/dl者,接受治療後,可降低T-CHO值35.8mg/dl(p<0.001),LDL-C 值降低41. 3mg/dl(p<0.001)。而治療前LDL-C值少於160mg/dl者,則祇能降低T-CHO值2.1mg/dl及LDL-C 值4.8 mg/dl。總而言之,對有高脂血症的國人,經由簡單的飲食教育,改變飲食習慣,得以適度的降低膽固醇值,尤其是膽固醇值愈高者獲益愈多。這個發現,應用在臨床治療高脂血症病人及公共衛生上特具意義,值得國內醫療界採用。 個發現,應用在臨床治療高脂血症病人及公共衛生上特具意義 ,值得國內醫療界採用。
英文摘要 The contemporary researchers in the risk reduction research have consdiered dietary modification and weight control as the essential step to begin the treatment of high blood cholesterol and the prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD). This report describes the first intervention study in Taiwan on the effect of dietary therapy for patients with hyperlipidemia. In a biennial follow-up survey for Chin-Shan Community Cardiovascular (CCC) study in 1992-1993, the study team identified 902 patients who were eligible for this study based on the criteria of U.S. National Cholesterol Education Program-Adult Treament Panel II (NCEP-ATP II). From March to May 1994, 526 patients were invited to the first phase dietary educational program conducted by a physician and a dietitian. Each participant received a dietary manual and a 30-minute education on dietary treatment and the usage of the manual. Dietary patterns, blood lipid levels, body mass index (BMI), and waist to hip ratio (WHR) were evaluated for each participant at baseline and 3 months after the education. Overall, 347 patients returned intervention clinic to complete the postintervention evaluations. Paired-t test revealed significant reduction in lipid profiles. The mean reduction and st andard deviation were 10.9 ± 1.7 mg/dl for total blood cholesterol (T-CHO), 13.9 ± 1.8 mg/dl for low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), 2.24 ± 0.49 mg/dl for high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and 0.23 ± 0.03 mg/dl for apoprotein B. All these changes were significant at p<0.0001 level. BMI was also significantly reduced by 0.30 ± 0.05 (p<0.05). The changes in lipids and lipoproteins were much greater for patients with high levels of baseine T-CHO and LDL-C than that with low levels of baseline T-CHO and LDL-C. Patients with a baseline LDL-C ≧ 190mg/dl have had a mean reduction of 35.8mg/dl in T-CHO and 41.3mg/dl in LDL-C. The corresponding reductions for patients with baseline LDL-C below 160mg/dl were 2.1mg/dl in T-CHO and 4.8mg/dl in LDL-C. In conclusion, the simple dietary education program appeared to be effective in changing eating behavior among hypercholesterolemic patients and could significantly reuced their serum cholesterol levels. This benefit was even greater for patients with higher cholesterol levels.
ISSN 1016-7390
期刊刊名 內科學誌
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出版者 中華民國內科醫學會
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北縣;金山鄉;高膽固醇血症;飲食治療

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