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系統識別碼 A98036399
資料類型 單篇文獻
主要題名 福山試驗林哈盆溪臺灣鏟頜魚(Varicorhinus Barbatulus)之生殖生物學
作者 張士晃;李培芬;林曜松
出版日期 1998-12
卷期 41
頁碼或冊數 53-69
中文摘要 -5.344+3.185 log  TL(R =0.984)。成熟雌魚的平均體全長遠大於成熟雄魚(P<0.001),體全長在160mm以上時,大多為雌魚。雄魚在體全長為71mm時,有50%的個體已達性成熟;雌魚在體全長為135mm,有50%已達性成熟。由生殖腺成熟狀態、GSI(Gonadosomatic index)及卵徑分布顯示,哈盆溪臺灣鏟頜魚的生殖季節為1至7月,生殖高峰為2至4月,且其產卵方式為多次產卵。由本研究的結果推論哈盆溪臺灣鏟頜魚的生殖策略為:雄魚以提早達到性成熟來獲得較多的交配機會;雌魚延遲性成熟的時間,以獲得較大之體型或孕卵數,並以多次生殖的方式,提高子代數,同時藉著較長的生殖季,以減緩環境因子的改變所造成的仔魚死亡,確保子女的存活。
英文摘要 -5.344+3.185 log  TL (R =0.984). The average total length of the adult female is significantly greater than that of the adult male(P<0.001). The total length for 50% of the adult females to reach sexual maturity is 135 mm, and for the males, 71 mm. The condition of reproductive organs, GSI (gonadosomatic index) and distribution of egg diameters in different month's samples all indicate that the breeding season for V. barbatulus is from January to July with the peak occurs between February and April. We conclude that the reproductive strategies for V. barbatulus in this region are: (1) males reach sexual maturity and begin to participate reproduction as early as possible, while females delay maturity and gain larger body dimension, (2) the females maintain multiple spawning efforts during the prolonged breeding season to reduce the mortality of larva and yearling due to sudden environmental changes and to maximize the survivor of their offspring.
期刊刊名 臺灣省立博物館年刊
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關鍵詞 臺北縣;烏來鄉;臺灣鏟頜魚;生殖;福山森林生態系;哈盆自然保留區

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