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系統識別碼 A96004077
資料類型 單篇文獻
主要題名 臺北縣萬里鄉仁愛之家居民活動能力調查報告
作者 廖文炫;胡名霞;曹昭懿;楊順安
出版日期 1995-09
卷期 20:2
頁碼或冊數 31-40
中文摘要 隨著老年人口的增加,家庭結構的改變,居住在療養機構的老年人口也逐漸增多。民國74年本文作者曾訪視台北縣萬里鄉仁愛之家,並建議給予殘障院民物理治療以促進其功能。為幫助國內對老人物理治療需求之進一步了解,本研究特設計 「仁愛之家院民活動能力篩檢表」,並再度訪視仁愛之家居民,調查其疼痛、關節活動度、肌力,及蹲下、站起、行走能力,使用輔具等功能狀態。 於民國82年5月及8月間共篩檢取得390名(平均75歲,男性303人.女性87人)院民之資料。結果發現50,的院民有關節疼痛問題,以膝關節疼痛最常見:39有關節活動度降低的現象,以肩、膝關節活動受限最常見:32有肌力減弱的現象,以髖關節部位肌力降低最多;活動能力方面,45之院民無法正常蹲下,18站起之能力有困雞,26無法在社區內行走無礙,28需用輔行器.35無法獨立上下樓。平均步頻為每分鐘88小步。女性抱怨疼病的比例高於男性,且上肢肌力降低及功能狀態受限比例亦較高。有58名院民居住在療養區,與一般區居民除疼痛比例近似外,各項活動能力均較差,平均步頻較低為每分鐘71小步。總之,本報告結果院民之功能狀態受限比例與國外調查結果近似,推估約需3-5名物理治療人員才足以提供本院院民物理治療之所需,並建議有功能障礙之院氏接受物理治療訓練以減少生活上之功能障礙,並提昇生活品質。
英文摘要 75 years old, 303 males,87 females) completed the survey. A surveyform was used to record the joints complainingpain. with range of motion (ROM) limitations,or decreasing muscle strength. The ability tosquat, stand up, walk (endurance, device, cadence), and get up and down stairs were examined. The results revealed that 50 of residents had pain, 39 had ROM limitations, and32 had decreased strength. Compare amongjoints, pain of the knee joints, ROM limitationof the shoulder joints, and muscle weakness ofthe hip joints were seen most frequently. Ap proximately 45 residents were limited in squatting, 18 limited in standing up, 26 limitedin walking in the Sanatorium, 28 requiringthe use of a walking device, and 35 couldnot get up and down stairs independently. Theaverage cadence was 88 steps/min. The proportion of female residents complaining pain washigher than male residents. The female residents showed higher proportion in decreasedupper limb muscle strength and functional limitations. Residents in the Special Care Units(n=58) were more limited in all variables examined except pain than the rest of the residents. The average cadence was 71 steps/minfor the residents in the Special Care Units. Theprevalence of functional limitation found in thissurvey were similar to previous findings. It wassuggested that 3-5 physical therapists were required to provide sufficient therapeutic trainingfor the residents with functional limitation atthe Wan-li Sanatorium.
ISSN 1013-7688
期刊刊名 中華民國物理治療學會雜誌
出版者 中華民國物理治療學會
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北縣;萬里鄉;老年人;療養院;功能狀態

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