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系統識別碼 091TIT00224016
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 公私協力應用於社區營造策略之研究-以臺北市士林區為例
作者 劉東揚
出版日期 2003
頁碼或冊數 168
中文摘要 隨著社會、經濟與環境的變遷,目前台灣正處在多元文化激盪的時代,大至國家、區域,小到鄰里社區與家庭,皆須因應全球化時代的洪流作出適當的回應。我國的永續策略綱領中提及應建立公私部門與社區夥伴關係,促使居民參與公共政策的研擬與環境改造的機制。政府機關在政策的執行上若能結合民間社會團體的資源如NPO/NGO、企業、志工團體及社區組織等,以地方性的議題作為訴求的基礎,展現整合性的治理能力,回應地方需求及解決實質環境議題,將引發當地社區擘畫未來發展願景的契機。本文擬以公私協力相關理論作為立論思考與基礎論點,透過實質參訪英國社區協力關係的運作經驗,更結合公私部門的訪談與相關文獻的分析,建立公私協力應用於社區營造的協力模型。在個案的驗證上,本文擬以臺北市都市發展局自八十五年起推動的社區營造計畫為探討範圍,並以九十年成立的士林(中山北路以西)社區規劃服務中心所執行的地區發展計畫作為驗證對象,說明協力模型可將應用於社造的操作過程。最後,以公私協力的觀點提出協力關係應用於社區營造之重要性,及英國社區策略對我國社區營造制度設計的啟益,提出社區營造未來之挑戰。
英文摘要 Globalization has been causing Taiwan enormous changes of social, economic and environmental planning. The area magnitude from nation, region, community, neighborhood and family are needed to respond with globalization thinking. The Sustainable Strategy Guidance in Taiwan has pointed out that it should be to build up Public-Private Partnerships with community organization, and encourage public participation in environmental planning, regeneration and combine with non-profit organizations, non-government organizations, enterprises, voluntary organizations responding local action to improve environmental issues, and create community views in the future.This paper aims to apply a viewpoint of public-private partnership to explore the strategies for community empowerment, to study the UK’s experience of community partnership, and to interview public, private sectors to build up partnership model applying on community empowerment strategies, than to review Taipei’s community empowerment project started in 1996 as a case study. In attempting to reach the focus, the local development projects of Shi-Lin(west of zhong-shan north road)Community Planning Service Center as an implementation evidence. Finally, the study will point out the differences between England and Taiwan on operation and provide suggestions for community empowerment strategies in Taiwan.
出版者 國立臺北科技大學建築與都市設計研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;士林區;公私協力;社區營造;第三部門;協力模型

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