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系統識別碼 093NTU05404009
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 臺北市農業用地興建餐飲設施允建面積探討研究-以文山區為例
作者 陳冠華
出版日期 2004
頁碼或冊數 84
中文摘要 餐飲設施是農民因應從事休閒活動而設置之設施物,其主要為結合農業原有經營活動與使用空間,使遊客於休閒中藉由食用具農業特色餐點,增加遊客對農業及農村文化之體驗;但經農民反應於農業用地興建餐飲設施受限土地使用管制規定及休閒農業政策影響,現僅能依規定於合法休閒農場中設置,於一般農業用地上並無可依循申請之法源及申設面積規定,因此侷限了農民轉型休閒農業發展的契機。從使用需求角度,為延續農業永續發展與農民生存必要,有效管理農業用地及解決現無法符合申設規定卻又有實際生存需求之已設置餐飲設施問題,農業用地有必要依據現今農業情勢放寬農業生產為規範方向之土地使用管制規定,及修訂興建餐飲設施之允建面積規定,方能使農業用地之土地使用及建物開發不會因自行建造而失去控制。本研究探討農業用地興建餐飲設施允建面積,係以臺北市休閒農業經營個體中已興建餐飲設施案例為研究範圍,探討限制興建之法令規定為何;另再藉由研究範圍之現況調查了解使用需求,配合餐飲設施申設面積推估理論,求得興建餐飲設施建築面積建議值,併同提供主管單位未來進行檢討農業用地土地使用管制制度及修訂餐飲設施建築面積之參考依據。
英文摘要 The Settlement of food and Beverage facilities are set up due to needs of peasants for running recreational activities. It mainly combines the original activities in operation and spaces being taken up. It enables tourists to experience and recognize cultures in the agricultural through rural- styled dinning. However, peasants have reflected that due to restrictions of the land use laws and agricultural recreation policies, construction of catering facilities is only limited to legal recreational farms in accordance with the law. Regular agricultural estates have no traceable laws and rules in area allotment, therefore, peasants’ wish to transform from agricultural estates to recreational agricultural developments are restricted.From the demand and use angle, in order to perpetuate the development of agriculture, effectively manage agricultural lands and solve the problem of existing catering facilities not permitted by law, it is necessary for agricultural estates to be alleviated from the related laws on lands that were supposedly used for agricultural purposes depending on different situations. Building zone allowance need to be amended so that agricultural estates, land use, and building developments won’t be out of control from self-construction.
出版者 臺灣大學生物環境系統工程學研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;文山區;農業用地;餐飲設施;允建面積

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