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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 社會福利與衛生醫療部門服務整合之研究 : 以臺北市文山區老人社區照顧為例
作者 蘇惠君
出版日期 2003
頁碼或冊數 125
中文摘要 臺灣地區並未有具體的社區照顧政策,目前現行老人社區照顧是跨部門、跨專業的服務提供,其中又以社會福利與衛生醫療單位為主。為瞭解上述兩部門在老人社區照顧體系中所扮演的角色與功能、服務整合之現況及限制,本研究特以實施社區照顧方案經驗豐富之臺北市文山區作為主要研究範疇,除瞭解臺北市推動萬華區、文山區老人社區照顧的過程與經驗,並針對實際從事照顧服務之單位主管及業務承辦人進行深度訪談。 研究結果發現,在臺北市實施的兩個社區照顧實驗計畫中,皆是由社政部門規劃,分別由民間團體或由政府部門結合民間單位共同執行,社會工作人員除提供服務外,也擔任個案(照顧)管理者的角色。在這階段中,衛生醫療單位並未積極投入社區照顧的實驗計畫,但隨著老年人口逐漸增加,長期照護的重要性被突顯,健康照顧專業亦投入社區照顧服務的供給,逐漸扮演舉足輕重的角色,以目前臺北市的經驗來看,衛生醫療單位也同時扮演著個案管理者的角色,因此兩部門間的「服務整合」遂成為眾所討論的議題。
英文摘要 There is no concrete community care policy in Taiwan so far. Multi-professions have been involved in elderly community people service now, and social welfare and health care are especially the cases. In order to understand their roles, functions, the extent of integration and limitations in the elderly community care system, two pilot schemes -- Wanhua community care scheme and Wenshan community care scheme are included in the study .The focus is on the process and experience of these two schemes, and via interviewing with ten persons involved in community care services, qualitative data was gathered.The conclusions found from this study are as follow:First of all, in the community care experimental period, there was only social welfare department involved, and it was done by the collaboration of private organizations and the local government. The social worker in the schemes not only provided services, but also played as a case/care manager. In this stage, the health care department was not involved in the experimental schemes positively. With the increasing numbers of elder people recently, the long-term care has been emphasized. The professionals of health welfare have been involved in providing service, and gradually gain its importance in community care service. In the experience of community care program carried out in Taipei, health care department also played the role of a case/care manager as the social welfare department. The integration of the social welfare and health care services has become an issue concerned.
出版者 社會政策與社會工作學系
出版地 臺北市
備註 政治大學圖書館
關鍵詞 社會福利;衛生醫療部門;服務整合;臺北市;文山區;老人社區;照顧

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