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系統識別碼 092SHU00571006
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 北投休憩空間演化之機制及歷程
作者 張慧君
出版日期 2004
頁碼或冊數 137
中文摘要 本研究在不同歷史階段的社會脈絡基礎下,透過空間理論的觀點,將北投休憩空間的發展,分成日治時期及國民政府等時期,探討其演化和發展機制,提出了分析性的解釋,包括:日據殖民時期-情色休憩空間(1895-1945)日本殖民政府開啟了北投溫泉文化的發展,因日人篤信溫泉治療疾病,再加上北投溫泉資源地利上的配合,且為強化其對殖民地文化的支配性地位,故以特殊的方式影響了北投的聚落發展。國民政府時期(I)-延續日治之情色休憩空間(1945-1979)光復後的北投地區,日本殖民政府勢力逐漸退出,國民政府公部門積極介入,除了延續日治時期「情色的休憩空間型態」之外,國民政府的「公娼合法化」政策,更將北投的色情觀光行業推向顛峰,使溫泉鄉演變成溫柔鄉。在空間形塑機制中,添加我國傳統情色文化,及大型觀光建築,來作為暗示政府的合法性支配轉換,與經濟市場環境的企業作用力。
英文摘要 Guided by space theory, the development of recreational space of Peitou was separated into four periods such as the colonial government period under Japanese reign and the civilian government period based on the social foundation of different historical stages. This research provides analytical explanations for its evolution and developmental mechanism, including:Colonial government period under Japanese reign — sexual recreational space (1895-1945)The development of the hot spring culture of Peitou was started by the Japanese colonial government. The space was created because the Japanese strongly believed that the hot springs could treat diseases, and Peitou was rich in this type of resources. They also wanted to influence the community development of Peitou in this way in order to strengthen their control over the culture of the region.Civilian Government Period (I) —the extended period of the sexual ecreational space under Japanese reign (1945-1979)After retrocession, the colonial force of Japanese government had gradually faded, what replaced was the take-over through mediation of the civilian government public sector. In addition to continuing the sexual recreational space of Japanese reign period, the legalization of public prostitute system of civilian government further promoted the sexual tourism industry of Pietou to its peak, turning the hot spring countryside into a countryside with prostitutes. In the space formation mechanism, traditional sexual culture of China and large tourism buildings were added to imply the government’s legal reign transfer, and to strengthen function of the corporation in the economic market.
出版者 世新大學觀光學系
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;北投區;休憩空間;社會作用者

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