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系統識別碼 094NTPU0610021
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 網絡與制度觀點下地方治理機制之研究以北投線空中纜車為例
作者 邱豐真
出版日期 2006
頁碼或冊數 163
中文摘要 近年來對於地方公共政策探討的焦點,學者普遍以「從以地方政府為中心轉變成為以地方治理為中心」(from local government to local governance),地方治理機制中所強調的地方公共政策過程必需融合多元行動者產生互動關係並與制度產生連結以型塑政策產出。因此,本文提出以網絡與制度的兩項觀點並輔以北投線空中纜車為個案,闡述地方治理機制的運作過程。首先,本文以公共行政系絡下的地方治理理論基礎與英國經驗,歸納出地方治理屬是一種改革策略,其內容是做為趨向地方分權與地方民主發展的良善治理的策略。再者本文在歸納網絡與制度觀點後,歸納出三項命題。個案結果顯示,現今地方治理機制仍是以政府所掌控的制度機制為主,網絡機制只能間接的影響。此展現了地方治理機制的決策過程,仍然集中於地方政府本身的運作中,而非完全的擴散的網絡中。
英文摘要 Recently, researchers who discussed the local public policy generally focused on “from local government to local governance”. That is, the process of local public policies within the local governance mechanism has to combine multi-actors to interact with each others and to connect to the institution for modeling policy outcomes. Therefore, this article attempts to take two points of view, which are network and institution, with the case study in Betiou Line Aerial Gondola Lift Project to illuminate the processing of the local governance mechanism.Above all, the text concluded the local governance mechanism as a reformation strategy on the base of the public administration's local governance theory and the experience of Britain. The content is about the good governance of a trend of decentralization and local democratic development. Furthermore, the content figured out three proposition by network and institution. The case study result revealed that the local governance mechanism was controlled by the government system. And the network just influenced indirectly. Thus, it pointed out the decision making processes of the local governance machine were still centralized on the local government's operation, not on the totally diffuse network.
出版者 國立臺北大學公共行政暨政策學系
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;北投區;地方治理機制;網絡;制度;空中纜車

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