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系統識別碼 088YM000602016
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 北投社區型態養護機構住民健康狀況與長期照護服務需求之探討
作者 黃靜君
出版日期 2000
頁碼或冊數 106
中文摘要 本研究目的在瞭解北投社區型態養護機構住民基本特性、健康狀況與長期照護服務需求,探討影響住民健康狀況與長期照護服務需求之相關因素,並進一步找出預測因子,以作為日後發展社區型態養護機構及提昇照護品質等相關服務及政策的參考依據。本研究係採橫斷式調查法(Cross-Sectional Survey), 以立意取樣方式,由59家北投社區型態養護機構中選出10家,研究者由機構記錄、身體檢查、觀察訪談住民與照顧者等多重來源收集相關資料,共獲得132位住民資料。 研究建議養護機構之給藥服務、復健服務等列入立案評鑑項目,並建立養護機構關懷性的人文環境,以改善照顧者與住民間互動關係,進而促進住民之健康。
英文摘要 The purpose of study was to understand demographic characteristic, health status and service needs of residents who lived at long-term care institutions in Pei Tou area. The correlators and predictors of resident's health status and long-term care service needs were included. The results of this study can be used as the reference basis for the government to develop long-term care institutions and improve quality of care service .The design of cross-sectional survey was used. Purposive sampling of 10 institutions from 59 long-term care institutions in Pei Tou was chosen. The graduate student collected 132 resident's data by using multiple methods of resident''s record, physical examination, observations and interviews from the residents and their caregivers .
出版者 國立陽明大學社區護理研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;北投區;養護機構;健康狀況;長期照護服務需求

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