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系統識別碼 091TIT00653022
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 都市防災避難系統於颱洪災害之規劃-以臺北市南港及內湖區為例
作者 陳春輝
出版日期 2003
頁碼或冊數 156
中文摘要 臺灣地區位處亞熱帶季風區,夏秋之際常遭颱風或暴雨侵襲,造成河川中下游流域嚴重水患。由於人口及產業紛向都市集中,都市範圍不斷擴大,都市機能及開發日益提高,一旦發生大規模颱洪災害,損失均非常嚴重。近年來象神、納莉颱風帶來的豪雨,造成大臺北廣大地區嚴重淹水及重大損失。颱洪災害的威脅既然無法避免,惟隨著經濟的發展,人民對於保護生命財產的要求亦逐漸提高,因此,除以防洪工程來防範都市颱洪災害固然是首要課題,但如何在颱洪災害發生時預先規劃一套有效的避難系統,亦為洪災管理之一項重要工作。避難系統規劃最主要的目的是在災害發生對人的生命造成威脅時,能夠給予人員庇護,免於受到災害侵襲、保障安全,並提供歇息和平復情緒的場所。本研究以臺北市政府委託規劃完成的「都市計畫防災系統規劃」為藍圖,加入洪水因子將淹水潛勢圖應用在地理資訊系統,檢測實質防災避難場所在遭遇洪水時之堪用性,並對研究區之避難系統現況提出檢討與修正,俾於颱洪災害發生時提供受災民眾一個安全無虞的避難空間。
英文摘要 Taiwan is located in the sub-tropical monsoon region, typhoons are occurred in the summer and autumn, the rainfall cause an inundation in the midstream and downstream of rivers. The economic prosperity of Taiwan has brought rapid development and expansion of residence, commerce, industry, transportation in Taipei city, it is not difficult to imagine that the consequence would be much more severe if flooding directly strikes the city. In the recent years, the Xangsane and Nari typhoon cause huge damages of citizen’s life and properties in Taipei metropolis region.As economical growth increasing, people lay more emphasis on the demand about protection of life and properties. People are vulnerable to the inevitable occurrence of strong typhoons. Therefore, building hydraulic structures is the major method of preventing urban inundation, but how to plan emergency shelter system also plays a more important role in management of inundation control. The main purpose of planning emergency shelter system is to provide a safe refuge for urban residents while disasters are happened.This essay bases on the 「Hazard mitigation system of urban planning」sponsored by the Taipei government. Inundation potentials maps are used in the GIS to examine the usefulness of emergency shelter system, furthermore, to revise the emergency shelter planning and provide a reliable for Taipei city citizen.
出版者 國立臺北科技大學土木與防災研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;南港區;內湖區;都市防災避難系統;颱洪災害規劃

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