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系統識別碼 094NTCP5421003
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 運動建築用後評估研究–以台北市中山區市民運動中心為例
作者 蕭信余
出版日期 2006
頁碼或冊數 132
中文摘要 近年來國內休閒運動逐漸受到重視,而都市中面臨休閒空間的不足,政府於是設立市民運動中心,以高密集度使用的方式,集合各項運動設施及社區活動空間功能,寄望取代各項公共設施的功能,改善民眾休閒運動及各項活動空間的不足,達到提升生活水準、增進身心健康之目標。因此本研究目的為探討運動中心於成立後,是否達成其目的與功能。 本研究以用後評估研究方式,台北市中山區市民運動中心為研究個案,透過文獻回顧、問卷調查、深入訪談及財務評估等方式,由使用者對於運動中心的認知以及運動建築之效益的觀點,評估個案於使用後是否達成其預定目標與使用效益。經研究評估結果得知,這所由臺北市政府興建、民間團體(救國團)經營之社區型運動中心,其各運動空間使用率高、使用者滿意度及投資效益均達到滿意水準,因此本運動中心的營運模式及規劃設計可做為未來其他運動中心規劃設計之參考典範。
英文摘要 The domestic people value leisure sport gradually in recent years. The people need leisure sport in the city, but the city faced the insufficiency in space. Therefore the government set up the sports center which used the space in high density way to assemble the different sports facilities and community center. The sports center tried to take place of the functions of infrastructure to improve the situation of lacking in city space and to achieve the promoting in living standard and health of people. Hence the purpose of the study is to discuss if the sports center achieved its goal and the function after occupancy. The case study of the research used POE (Post-Occupancy-Evaluation) to evaluate Taipei Zhong Shan community civic sports center which constructed by government and operated by private. The case study used literature review, questionnaire survey, Interview and financial evaluation, in the view of sports center users and building cost-benefit, to know if the sports center achieved its target and cost-benefit. After the evaluation, the result of the study showed that the sports center’s utility ratio, user satisfaction and return on investment did achieved the standard of satisfaction. In conclusion, the business model and building design of the sports center can be the ideal pattern for other sports center in the future.
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出版者 國立台灣體育學院運管系碩士班
出版地 臺中市
關鍵詞 臺北市;中山區;運動中心;用後評估;運動設施設計

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