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系統識別碼 093NTUST222029
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 日治時期臺北市地區金融建築之探討
作者 蔡貞瑜
出版日期 2005
頁碼或冊數 172
中文摘要 臺灣在清朝末期雖然已經有搖會、錢莊、媽振館等機構出現,當時的人民已經可以進行資金的融通,但這些機構還未具備完整的銀行機能;直到1895年日本統治臺灣之後,引進日本當地發源自西方的銀行建築,才有正式的金融機關成立,且在日治期間陸續出現了銀行、信用組合、信託會社、無盡會社、保險會社等金融組織。日本殖民政府設置金融機關的目的是在於開發臺灣之產業資源以滿足對殖民地的經濟利益;因此由日本人出資或臺灣人發起創設的金融組織,雖然同樣謀求資金融通之便利,但政府為了防止殖民地人民藉其組織獲得強大的資本而加以壓制;因此不同類型的機關在社會上之金融地位也有所差異。
英文摘要 Although there were some financial groups in the late Ching Dynasty and people could carry business transactions at the time,those groups had not have complete banking functions yet. Until the Japanese began colonizing in 1895 and ushered Japanese banks which originated in western countries into Taiwan,there were official financial institutions established during the colonial period -like banks, credit cooperatives, trust companies and insurance companies etc.. The colonial government set up financial institutions attended to develop the resources of Taiwan to satisfy the economic benefits from the settlement, and whether Japanese or Taiwanese organizations were established to try for the convenient of business transactions. To prevent the colonials from carrying the centralization of capital, the government suppressed Taiwanese financial organizations, and caused all financial institution types different positions in society
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出版者 國立臺灣科技大學建築系
出版地 臺北市
備註 國立臺灣科技大學圖書館
關鍵詞 日治時期;臺北市;金融建築

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