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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 國小師生對鄉土教育實施成效之意見調查研究 : 以臺北市老松國小結合「臺北市鄉土教育中心」為例
作者 劉曾菊
出版日期 2006
頁碼或冊數 144
中文摘要 本研究主要目的在於探討老松國小師生對「臺北市鄉土教育中心」發展的鄉土課程與老松國小學校本位課程結合之意見,以及「臺北市鄉土教育中心」工作內涵達成度如何,最後再將研究結果提供老松國小、臺北市政府教育局及鄉土教育中心參考。 本研究主要以問卷調查法為主,訪談為輔,研究工具為研究者自編之「鄉土教育之意見調查問卷」,分為教師與學生兩部分,共施測教師100人,回收92份,學生432人,回收364份,訪談對象為17位教師。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to investigate primary school teachers’ and students’ opinions on the effectiveness of heritage and culture education provided by the Resource Center of Heritage and Culture Education of Taipei City. It was aimed to use the research results for school, the resource center and education ministry in Taipei City for future consultation. In this study, descriptive research was the primary means of research methodology, complemented by interviews. The research tools were two sets of questionnaires designated for two target groups, teachers and students. There were 100 copies distributed to the teacher group and 92 copies returned, while there were 432 copies distributed to the students and 364 copies returned. Seventeen teachers were interviewed.
出版者 臺北市立教育大學教育行政與評鑑研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;萬華區;老松國小

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