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系統識別碼 094SHU05571002
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 觀光客遊覽臺北市龍山寺滿意度之研究
作者 唐明偉
出版日期 2006
頁碼或冊數 95
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討宗教觀光旅遊動機、行前期望及滿意度之關聯性,並以台北市龍山寺為研究個案。本研究以問卷調查法為主要研究工具,以台北市龍山寺觀光客為對象,共回收有效問卷402份,採用信度分析、描述性統計、因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析等方法來分析觀光客特性、旅遊動機、行前期望及滿意度等構面間之現況。 自民國八十七年一月起,我國政府開始實施隔週休二日制,民眾已有更充裕、更彈性、更妥善的時間來安排休閒旅遊活動,而台北市龍山寺和故宮博物院、中正紀念堂並列為外國觀光客來台旅遊三大勝地,民國七十四年並由政府列管保護為「國家二級古蹟」,因此,台北市龍山寺也成為民眾觀光遊憩的重要據點之ㄧ。據觀光局統計資料,民國九十三年約有一百六十七萬人次觀光客進入寺內從事休閒、遊憩、觀光等活動。故本研究針對台北市龍山寺觀光客之個人特性、旅遊動機、行前期望與實際體驗滿意度及其間之關係作深入探討。 本研究經統計分析後發現: 一、觀光客個人特性不同,其旅遊動機即有所差異。 二、觀光客旅遊動機與行前期望具有相關性。 三、從行前期望與實際體驗滿意度座標圖中得知四個象限:A象限表未來發展的「機會」,應繼續保持,; B象限表未來發展的「優勢」,乃供給過度; C象限表未來發展的「弱勢」,其優先順序低; D象限表未來發展的「威脅」,需加強改善。
英文摘要 As a case study of Lung-shan Temple in Taipei City, this research studies the relationships between the motivation of religious tourism, pre-visit expectation and satisfaction. The research method of this study is questionnaire survey and aims at the tourists at the Lung-shan Temple. With the returning 402 copies of effective questionnaires, this study uses the Cronbach Alpha Analysis, Descriptive Analysis, Factor Analysis ,Independent-Samples t-test and One-way ANOVA to analyze the constructive situations between the characteristics of tourists, travel motivation, pre-visit expectation and satisfaction. In January 1998, the Taiwan government began the “working 5 days a week” policy. Since then, people in Taiwan have more manageable and flexible time to plan their leisure activities. The National Palace Museum, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall and Lung-shan Temple are foreign tourist’s three most favorite places. Taipei’s Lung-shan Temple was listed as the “National’s 2nd Class Historic Site” and protected by the government in 1985. The Temple is also the important tourist spot for Taiwan people. According to the statistics done by the Tourism Bureau in 1994, about 1,670,000 tourists visited Lung-shan Temple. The Lung-shan Temple is the subject which this study aimed to research. According to the statistical analysis, this study concludes that: 1. Tourist motivations are different based on the individual tourist’s characteristic. 2. There are connections between tourist’s motivation and pre-visit expectation. 3. From the table of pre-visit expectation and satisfaction of actual experience, there are four conclusions: A. The “chances” of future development should be continued. B. There are over provided of the “advantages” of the future development. C. The sequence order of the “Weakness” of future development is low. D. It is needed to lower the “threaten” of the future development.
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出版者 世新大學觀光學系
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;萬華區;龍山寺;寺廟;觀光

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