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系統識別碼 093TIT00224001
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 探討台灣都市歷史空間再利用之缺失與調適-以西門市場再利用為例
作者 陳雅婷
出版日期 2005
頁碼或冊數 123
中文摘要 西門市場是國內推動再利用指標性的案例,然而其目前卻無法如預期成功地提供成效,當中原因具有探討之必要性,故興起本文研究之動機。由於本案牽涉到歷史保存議題,加上攸關眾多攤商權利的協調與配合,種種因素影響之下,使得西門市場於更新及再利用過程中不斷地受到妥協、牽制、角力與改變。本文主要採用訪談法來還原當初執行過程,並與以詳細紀錄。藉由訪談了解參與本案各方人士之看法,哪些事件與因素的影響而造成今日之成果皆為本文探討重點。本研究針對執行過程提出缺失及問題?發現由於國內歷史空間再利用議題牽涉廣泛層面,導致許多決策受到相關因素影響,歸納因素有顯性影響因子:歷史保存因素、公部門因素、攤商意見因素及規劃建築師因素等,除此之外本文尚提出隱性影響因子:社會背景因素、政治因素及紅樓案例因素。
英文摘要 The Hsi-men market is a milestone of urban historical spaces in Taiwan. Hoverer, its achievement and public participation had obviously caused a tremendous gap. To explore the facts of this situation is my research motivation. This case involved not only many historical subjects but also the benefits of the tenants who rent stalls in the space. The study chose interview method to collect some key members’ opinions and to recover the original facts of the case in detail. By assembling every event of this case and finding out the factors that led to the result were the main purposes of the study. The study aim is to analyze the factors that affect the defeat and mediation of the case. The research classifies the factors into two categories: visible and invisible factors. The visible factors include the opinions of historical preservation experts, public sectors, the tenants, and the architects, and the invisible factors include social context, political operation, and the case itself.
出版者 國立臺北科技大學建築與都市設計研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;萬華區;西門市場;歷史空間;再利用

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