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系統識別碼 091CHPI0224025
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 臺北市大規模地震時商圈活動人員避難行為特性之研究 : 以[迪化街商圈、西門町商圈、頂好SOGO商圈、信義商圈]為例
作者 李明勳
出版日期 2003
頁碼或冊數 187
中文摘要 商圈為都市環境之地理與社會之基本單元,亦為都市生活中主要商業活動分佈之生活空間。台北市為我國台灣地區首要都會區,多元化之生活形態需求,使台北市都市空間相對顯得多樣、龐大、複雜化,此外更擁有二百七十萬人口之譜,此種多樣化都市空間與大量都市活動人員的特性,使得台北市都會區一旦發生大規模地震時,則將可能瞬間造成台北市內商圈內多數建築物及維生系統的重大破壞,多數人員死傷之災情;又仍存活之人員必將採取必要之避難行動,避難人員之避難行為與日常生活環境、生活動線間具有密切關係。 避難是有目的的移動且是在危急下的行為,亦是空間與時間的競賽,避難人員在避難時對空間環境的認知與熟悉度,更是避難成功與否主要之因素;因此,避難所需時間越長,表示空間的認知越薄弱,導致災情擴大的機率就越高。當震災發生時,人員之避難行為與避難空間之配置息息相關,即在商業區避難場所與動線之規劃、指定上與避難人員之避難行動契合與否,亦是造成後續災害成因之一,且直接或間接影響到災情的擴大與否。 本研究選定台北市為主要研究範圍,針對不同類型之商圈為調查研究對象,對於商圈之空間環境結構、空間環境認知因子、避難人員類型等進行實地調查,並以『認知地圖法』、『行動圖法』等調查方法為主,調查該區域內活動人群對於空間環境之認知與熟悉度,探討商圈中活動人群對於周遭環境空間認知之差異性,再經由調查結果進行空間環境認知因子分析,探討商圈活動人群對於空間構造之掌握,而得知之環境因子、避難行動特性、空間認知與設施之種類、設置及場所、路徑、節點等空間要素之相關關係,並提供日後都市防災規劃上對於商圈之避難場所、避難動線等選擇、指定上的參考依據。
英文摘要 Taipei city is the most important urban space in Taiwan , it hold secretly about 2,700 people , As a result of the urban development and living style have changed, which causes some phenomenon like the expansion of shopping district’s scope, the highly density and complexity of the living density. Whenever the grate earthquake happened, which causes the damage of building in the shopping district and living systems. Also the disasters let a lot of people die and get heart. Refuge is a purpose of moving and under the dangerous behavior. Also like the competition between space and environment familiarization is the most important thing during the disasters. When face disasters, environmental space provides the needs of rescue spot and path. There is one more thing will effect the situation. The familiarization of how to prevent a disaster, where is the rescue center and where is the way out. Which will influence the result instantly. This research is according to different types of the shopping district. We draw up urban community to be our subject, and choose several the shopping district to investigate. First, use topographic survey to research the environmental space of those two types of the shopping district. Second, use the unify drawing, diagrammatic curve and map-action to investigate the familiarization of resident in environmental space. By the way of the result, diversely analyze the structures and meanings of space in different the shopping district, and the relation between environmental space and resident. Then discuss what role that modern the shopping district’s environmental space plays in a disaster as a refuge, and resident’s familiarization. Lately, establish information about native and propose some proper suggestions to be the guide of rescue refuge, rescue path and future the shopping district arrangement.
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出版者 中華大學建築與都市計劃研究所
出版地 新竹市
關鍵詞 臺北市;萬華區;西門町;商業區;商圈;活動人群;避難行為;避難場所;空間環境認知度;信義商圈;迪化街;SOGO;信義區;大同區;大安區

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