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系統識別碼 093NTU05404006
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 都市公園不透水舖面保水性能改善研究 : 臺北市大安區為例
作者 林志成
出版日期 2005
頁碼或冊數 1冊
中文摘要 依本研究統計,不透水舖面約佔公園面積的百分之五十五,不透水舖面比率過高,使得每人所享有的綠地面積,縮減至0.554平方公尺,突顯出公園發展模式的不當及分配不均。然地坪硬舖面佔不透水舖面的百分之八十六的比率最高,因此,本研究欲以基地保水及施工層面,將地坪硬舖面的步道、人行道、廣場、腳踏車道、停車場及公園內限制性道路等六項,進一步發掘問題,深入探究可行的不透水舖面改善手法,使水能還原於地下,以供未來都市公園在開發規劃上與保水改善的依據。
英文摘要 Daan District, one of which located in the core of Taipei City covers a total area of approximately 11.3614 square kilometers, with a population of 315,714 people; on average only 1 square inch per person. In such a crowded city, parks take very important roles for providing a natural environment for the people living around it. However, as the increased use in imperviousness pavements, and RC pavement in the parks, will lead to the soils on the ground unable to breathe normally. Preventing the natural law of the cycling in between soil and water, which further looses the potential of adjusting the climate and water; increasing the Peak flow of the city. These are the indirect causes of urban warming and urban heat island effects.
出版者 國立臺灣大學生物環境系統工程學研究所鄉村建築與環境組
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;大安區;都市公園;不透水舖面;透水性舖面;基地保水

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