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系統識別碼 087NTNU0037012
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 臺北市大安區漢堡炸雞速食店對智障者支持性就業之意見調查研究
作者 鮮皓
出版日期 1999
頁碼或冊數 140
中文摘要 本研究目的主要在調查台北市大安區漢堡炸雞店對智障支持性就業之配合程度,以為提高漢堡炸雞店對於智障者支持性就業之參與。研究方法採訪問調查法,研究工具為研究者自編之調查問卷,研究對象為各店之主管(店長、經理等)共計22人。主要結論如下: 1.各店長(經理)對「有薪給的工作」所能做之配合程度和支持性就業原本意涵相去甚遠,若試圖讓智障者以「試用員工」之身分進入漢堡炸雞店內工作,除非在試用時期(3~7天)內表現達成工作之要求標準,才能符合「有薪給的工作」之標準。 2.各店長(經理)等主管大多認為智障員工最適合從事的工作為清潔工作,且會在該項工作中和他人產生互動。能提供每週20小時以上之工作時數者約三成,在昇遷管道上對智障員工還是以調整薪資但不晉昇為多數。 3.各店長(經理)等主管對持續性的支持所能配合之程度由高至低依序為「鼓勵同仁與其互動」、「智障者亦參與公司所安排的休閒活動」、「提供公司員工參與智障者的工作訓練」、「定期和就服員討論其工作情形」、「試者接納智障員工的異常行為」。 4.各店長(經理)等主管對於支持性就業所提供之服務項目態度多為正面,且大多表示相當重要。 5.支持性就業誘因中以「社會福利機構能隨時提供相關協助」、「能提昇社會形象,建立良好的社會關係」具最高之吸引程度。「智障員工的流動率較低」及「智障員工的薪資完全不用公司負擔」為中低程度之吸引力,「智障員工之薪水較低」則完全不具吸引力。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this study was to investigate hamburger fried chicken companies, whether they were willing to conform their companies operations to supported employment with mental retardation. By this research I hope that companies in this sector will make more use of mental retarded people. Da-An area in Taipei forms the domain of this research. The method that was used was a face-to-face questionnaire administration, which was held among 22 managers。 This results of this study were as followed: 1. When comparing how managers operate in coordination-conditions like「pay for work」with the original intention of supported employment, it became clear that these intentions were substantially different. A requirement for allowing mental retarded people to work into this sector is that they must able to reach a standard working level within a trial period of three to seven days. 2. Most managers think that people with mental retardation are more suited for sanitary work and that they can interact easier with each other during their work. Generally 30% of these food-and-drink sector companies can provide over 20 hours of work each week. Most opinions on mental retarded personnel were that they could get an increase in wage, but that it wasn''t possible for them to promote in office. 3. The degree for supported employment, that most managers can accept, is listed from high to low as encouraging ''normal'' colleagues to interact with them, encouraging mental retarded personnel to participate in fellow workers leisure time activities and encouraging them to accept maybe to them abnormal behavior, but which is normal to us. 4. Every manager, who is using supported employment, is positively minded about the social services that he/she receives and is of opinion that these services are very important. 5. The two most attractive factors for using supported employment are that public welfare institutions are able to give assistance to them immediately. And that it would promote the companies image in its community and its relation with it. That mental retarded personnel have a low rate of mobility and that companies don''t have to pay for their work were middle-low attractive power. Lastly, that mental retarded personnel have low salaries was the least attractive power.
出版者 國立臺灣師範大學工業教育研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;大安區;速食店;智障者

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