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系統識別碼 095THU00222013
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 生物廊道-都市價值觀下的全球化策略
作者 廖俊華
出版日期 2007
頁碼或冊數 49
中文摘要 「城市」的規劃,多半以商業、土地、投資效益等的價值報酬觀點,決定一個都市未來的發展策略,這樣的結果,常常導致盛及一時的繁榮假象,最後往往結果導致成為一個衰落的老化地區,反觀傳統的都市設計,單純的依據商業、交通、經濟等分析,決定所要的策略,這樣單薄的關係,也無法真正的對一個地區有正面的回應,我開始懷疑這樣的模式架構下,真的有辦法讓城市保持活躍?因此,我需要找尋另一種看待都市的方法,一種學習的對象。 而排除人為的破壞,大自然的運作體系,讓各式各樣的生物能夠共存在這個自然界,雖然每個地區的結果並不相同,但物種彼此間都能達到一種奇妙的平衡狀態,這樣的觀察發現下,促使了我一開始想跟自然尋求參考的動機,研究在非人為的介入,大自然體系下,動物與自然關係的生存法則,或許能夠提供我們在面對都市規劃的另一種參考價值。
英文摘要 A city's future development is usually based the perspective of profit returns from city's business, investments and real estate activities. As the result, it usually lead to a perception of prosperity at the beginning, but in reality, a accelerated down fall of the area and deterioration of the city's intricate urban structure. On the other hand, traditional urban planning simply has its decisions made base on analysis of data on commerce, traffics, and economics. The simplified logical deductions will be also inadequate to be truly responsive to a city. I am starting to suspect if a city can be truly vitalized under such mode of planning process. Maybe an alternative attitude and a critical viewpoint are required for us to exam the development of a city and the process of it urban planning. The Nature provides a platform and systems of dynamic interactions for all forms of bodies. I have discovered although every region are unique, they are all in a state of intricate balance. This has prompt me to attempt to use Nature Ecology as a reference, to closely exam interactions between animals and their environment. Hopefully valuable alternatives may emerge on how a city will evolve.
出版者 東海大學建築學系
出版地 臺中市
關鍵詞 臺北市;中山區;價值觀;虛榮心;京站;擾動;城市;雙連站;五鐵共構;生物;生態系統

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