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系統識別碼 093PCCU1224001
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 古蹟再利用中歷史情境再生之研究 : 以臺閩地區第二級古蹟臺灣布政使司衙門為例
作者 邱睿婕
出版日期 2005
頁碼或冊數 81
中文摘要 古蹟再利用是古蹟保存的手段,歷史情境的表達是古蹟再利用的方法。所謂古蹟再利用是「藉由一種新的使用機能或價值系統的重新建構,使古蹟或傳統建築空間及其環境能充分滿足時代需求,而不與當代生活脫節或隔離的行為。」歷史情境是指透過歷史事件重塑後的環境,以刺激人們的視覺與聽覺,體驗時空的更迭與演變。換言之,所謂歷史情境乃是「以人為對象,應用媒體的多樣性與記錄的特質,將歷史事件轉化為空間語彙,以使人們重返歷史事件的本體,體驗人、事、時、地、物之間交互作用的一種空間環境。」本文試以臺灣布政使司衙門為案例,作為歷史情境再生應用之對象,原來因為年久失修,修復後其再利用未能如期進行而閒置,後在臺北市政府文化局的規劃下,預定再利用為茶室,結合絲竹雅樂、品茗以表達傳統文化的精髓。但是如果利用其歷史環境之優勢,將歷史情境再生應用於此,則更能展現其為臺灣僅存的衙署建築,彰顯其歷史意義與價值,以提供日後古蹟保存、維護及再利用之參考。
英文摘要 Reuse of the historic monument is a new way of preserving the historic site, the expression of the historical situation is a kind of method to regenerate the historical status. The reuse of historic monument means that by applying a new usage or a new value system, the historic monument or traditional architecture and its facilities will be no longer detached from our daily life, but can meet the need of the era.Historical situation is the re-presentation of historical events, by means of visual and hearing stimulation, through which people can experience the change and progression of time and space. In other words, by using multimedia, the “one dimensional” historical events become “three dimensional”; so it helps people not only back to the past, but may have interaction with the ancient person, event, time, and space.This study is taking Taiwan Yamen of Treasury and Civil Administration of Ching Dynasty as an example to illustrate the regeneration of historical situation. The building was put aside initially because of aging with wearing out, but afterwards because of postponement of remodeling. According to the design of Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs, it is supposed to be reused as a tea-house, with traditional architecture and Chinese Music, to present the beauty of our culture. If we could make use of its distinguished historic background --- the only left architecture of Yamen in Taiwan, and dress up with regeneration of historical situation; then the historical monument would become more meaningful and valuable to history. At all, it would be a model for the preservation, maintenance, and reuse of historical monument in the future.
出版者 中國文化大學建築及都市計畫研究所碩士在職專班
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;中正區;古蹟;建築;臺灣布政使司衙門

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