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系統識別碼 094NCNU0210006
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 台北市遊民外展社工服務研究—萬華區、中正區外展社工員與遊民間之互動經驗
作者 楊蕙禎
出版日期 2005
頁碼或冊數 137
中文摘要 本研究主要目的是在探討台北市萬華與中正區內進行外展社工員與遊民間的關係互動經驗瞭解,採質性研究方法,受訪對象共計14人,分別為街頭遊民8名以及遊民外展社工員共6名。普遍認為自身非為污名化下的刻板印象所認定之遊民;遊民並未視外展社工服務為唯一協助途徑;實物供應普遍為社福機構作為遊民與外展服務接觸的媒介;遊民福利經驗歧異性大。社工員在未接觸遊民前普遍感受遊民為違犯社會規範的、好吃懶做的甚至於是不努力的乞討者。在從事服務後會因自身服務觀及與案主接觸經驗後在服務態度產生差異性。 外展服務內涵方面:此研究藉Kaufman(1989)遊民服務之緊急服務、過渡服務及穩定服務三層次及因應外展服務策略加入網絡服務及倡導功能等五大面向來檢視目前台北市外展服務內涵。因應個人策略不同,其與遊民關係則有較多元的互動關係。 藉由以上資料分析及結論整理後據此提出:遊民的福利知覺與社工員提供的外展服務認知顯有差距,宜於提供外展服務時重視與遊民溝通,深切瞭解遊民需求,平衡彼此期望落差;社工員的素質參差為目前無法具共同目標提供遊民適切外展服務主因,宜藉由增加彼此非正式交流管道互相模塑學習或以工作坊形式增進社工員對社會價值的知識,以提升服務敏感度及外展服務過程中宜注意保持彈性服務空間。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this research is to discuss the interaction between social workers who outreach and homelessness , conducted in quantitive methods, and involving 14 people,including 8 homelessness and 6 outreaching social workers. Homelessness who are generally stigmatized don’t think of social workers as the only approach and physical supply should be the catalyst between outreaching service and them. Moreover, their experience of social welfare varied greatly. Workers who haven’t met homelessness previously consider them breaking social norms, lazy and even baggers. However, after workers devote themselves to direct service, their attitudes toward homelessness changed a lot. The intrinsic meaning of outreaching services exam themselves in Taipei city, including 3 levels, such as emergency services, transitive services and stabilizing services and 5 dimensions in network services and promotion by Kaufman(1989). Based on data analysis provided above, we can safely say that welfare awareness and cognition of homelessness and the services provided by the workers diverge. Social workers should put more stress on communication and try to figure out what homelessness need the most to balance the gap. Different levels of social workers explain why they don’t work toward the same goal, and both formal and informal channel or workshops are necessary to enhance knowledge management to escalate the sensitivity of services and flexibility is always required.
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出版者 暨南國際大學社會政策與社會工作學系
出版地 南投縣
關鍵詞 臺北市;中正區;遊民;外展工作

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