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系統識別碼 088NTPU0121056
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 臺北市老舊社區公有零售市場營運現況之研究
作者 莊詠靜
出版日期 2000
頁碼或冊數 136
中文摘要 長久以來,公有零售市場一直與民生消費息息相關,但近年來,隨著社會變遷、生活形態之轉變、鄰近超市、外圍攤販林立、再加上市場本身軟硬體不足之問題,使得公有零售市場之營運倍受挑戰。本研究主要承續台北市公有零售市場營運評估計畫之研究,嘗試針對老舊社區內之公有零售市場,對其目前之營運狀況做一整體評估,以利更了解目前公有零售市場之面臨的問題。選擇的研究範圍則以萬華區與大同區兩區內之市場為主,故本研究之研究目的,主要包括下列三點: 一、調查萬華區與大同區區內公有零售市場之實際營業額及其坪效。 二、建立公有零售市場應有營業額推估模型。 三、針對萬華區與大同區區內公有零售市場之營運現況分析及比較。
英文摘要 Public retailing markets have long been correlated with domestic consumption , but with the development of society, such kinds of markets encounter unprecedented challenge. The objectives of the research include: 1. To investigate the performance of the public retailing markets in Wan-Hua area and Ta-Tung area. 2. To build a sale model. 3. To compare and analyse the public retailing markets in Wan-Hua area and Ta-Tung area. The conclusion is as follows: 1. In Wan-Hua area, the average real sales is 8,252,100 dollars; the rate of average vacant stands is 45.54%. In Ta-Tung area, the average real sales is 21,797,100 dollars; the rate of average vacant stands is 35.46%。 2. No matter whether the competition condition is considered or not, the markets in Wan-Hua area has more potential to grow. Markets in Ta-Tung area are more stable. 3. The major problem is the rate of vacancy being extremely high. 4. It is suggested that we should rearrange and promote these markets in order to attract more consumers.
出版者 國立臺北大學企業管理學系
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;社區;市場;公有零售市場;營運現況;營業額;商圈;零售;市場潛力;立地條件