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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 應變速率對林口紅土三軸強度之影響
作者 鍾皓斌
出版日期 1990
頁碼或冊數 105
中文摘要 本文主要在探討不同應變速率作用下對土壤強度行為之影響,藉此得以進一步瞭解含水量,過壓密比及應變速率等三種影響因素對土壤之軸差應力和剪應力所造成的差異。為了將土壤之軸差應力對應變速率關係作一定量分析,藉以得出其關係式,本文採用Kondner(1963)所提出以變曲線模式分析粘性土壤之應力一應變關係,由實驗數據推導出關係式之各參數值,藉以估算不同影響因素下之軸差應力。
英文摘要 This paper focuses on the influence of various strain rates to the soil triaxial testing strength. Consequently, to evaluate the inter-effect of water content, OCR and strain rate to the strength behavior. Kondner's (1963) hyperbolic stress-strain model for clay soil was used to define the proposed triaxial test results, and comparison was made for the strength parameters. In this study, Linkou lateritic soil, with medium to high plasticity, was selected for testing program. The various water contents, OCR, and strain rates were controlled during Consolidated-Drained Triaxial testing. Basing on the hyperbolic stress-strain model employed, the correlation among the water content, strain rate and strength parameters (c, φ) was qualitatively discussed and established.
出版者 中原大學土木工程研究所
出版地 桃園縣
關鍵詞 臺北縣;林口鄉;紅土;應變速率

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